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She had thrown the lace shawl from her head entirely; but it fell around her shoulders, shading her bare white arms and beautiful neck, which the amber-hued dress would otherwise have left uncovered. Framed in the doorway she made an imperial picture. "My lord," she said, advancing to her husband, "what detains you here so long?" Old Mrs.

Monk took up a pen, wrote a single line, signed it, folded the paper, sealed the letter with the seal of his ring, and handed over the missive to Athos, saying, "Monsieur, carry, if you please, this letter to King Charles II., and set out immediately, if nothing detains you here any longer." "And the casks?" said Athos.

I am weary, and, besides, curiosity now detains me here, for I would fain see this Flodoardo, whom Lomellino thinks deserving of such extraordinary praise. Shall I tell you the truth, my dear uncle? I verily believe that I am already acquainted with him. There was a mask in a Grecian habit, whose appearance was so striking, that it was impossible for him to remain confounded with the crowd.

In this recapitulation first are to be reckoned the husbands whom business, position or public office calls from their houses and detains for a definite time. It is these who are the standard-bearers of the brotherhood.

But of course Don Diego cannot go in person, because he is... otherwise engaged. He has a slight touch of fever shall we say? that detains him in his cabin. But you, his son, may convey all this and some other matters together with his homage to your uncle.

In this recapitulation first are to be reckoned the husbands whom business, position or public office calls from their houses and detains for a definite time. It is these who are the standard-bearers of the brotherhood.

"It is no fault of mine," said the Pastor. "Are my chops ready?" "And soothed with idle dreams the frowning fate." "Why does not my father come back? what a time he has been away!" "My dear Philip, business detains him; but he will be here in a few days perhaps to-day!" "I should like him to see how much I am improved." "Improved in what, Philip?" said the mother, with a smile.

He was rarity and distinction incarnate, and of all the multitudinous masters of his group incomparably the most interesting, the one who detains and perplexes and fascinates us most. Exquisitely fine his imagination infinitely audacious and adventurous his fancy. Alone among the painters of his time he strikes us as having invention.

"Madam," replied the porter, "it is not that which detains me, I am already more than paid for my services; I am sensible that I act rudely in staying longer than I ought, but I hope you will the goodness to pardon me, when I tell you, that I am astonished not to see a man with three ladies of such extraordinary beauty: and you know that a company of women without men is as melancholy as a company of men without women."

"Tell the king that he must manage as he did before we had the honour of making his acquaintance," answered Charley; "that we are very glad to have been of service to him hitherto, still, that now our hearts are yearning for home, and that if he detains us against our will, our spirits will sink, and we shall no longer be able to help him."