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Updated: August 26, 2024

"The Indian wars were very desecrating to the country. "The Indians pursued their warfare by hiding in the bushes and then scalping them. "Captain John Smith has been styled the father of his country. His life was saved by his daughter Pochahantas. "The Puritans found an insane asylum in the wilds of America.

Once the Moslems had overpowered the defenders of the church and had got in, the eyes of some of the saints were picked through the plaster. Legend runs, however, that while they were desecrating the tomb of Tzar Stephan who founded the church, the tomb of the queen, which lay alongside, exploded with a violent report and terror struck the Turks, who fled.

And now that the lazy, snail-like time has elapsed, now that I have arrived here, I find in my heaven, at the side of my cherub, a calculating machine, desecrating my paradise by vile accounts " "Pray do not go on in this manner," interrupted Fanny, sternly.

'Destroy this Temple, and in three days I will raise it up. III. Lastly, we have here a foreshadowing of our Lord's world-wide work as the Restorer of man's destructions. Man's folly, godlessness, worldliness, lust, sin, are ever working to the destruction of all that is sacred in humanity and in life, and to the desecrating of every shrine.

And for me it had, also, the fascination of a revealed depth. It was like the oration of an ambitious leader in a farce; he held his hearers with his eloquence, as much as he had done with the song of his grotesque and desecrating love. He vaunted his sagacity and his valour, and overwhelmed with invective all sorts of names my own and Castro's among them.

That was years ago but the horrible sacrilege of it has never left me. She had a part of truth, and she was desecrating it by guesses and catch words selling it for money! Aunt Paula is broader than I. 'It's part of the truth, she said, 'that woman is desecrating the work, but she's serving in her way. I suppose so but since then I've never liked to hear Aunt Paula called a medium."

You would be surrounded; men are brutes; the scent of unfaithfulness excites them, overjoys them. And I helpless! The thought is maddening. I see a ring of monkeys grinning. There is your beauty, and man's delight in desecrating. You would be worried night and day to quit my name, to . . . I feel the blow now. You would have no rest for them, nothing to cling to without your oath."

But again the gun dug into him with a twist. Approaching Fay face-on was the third Micro-man Gusterson had met yesterday Hazen. It was Hazen who was carrying quite reverently or solemnly or at any rate very carefully the object that seemed to Gusterson to be the mind of the little storm troop presently desecrating the sanctity of his own individual home.

She found at last that forgetfulness came not of prayer and fasting; that it was not in her to forget. The past had seemed to stretch its cruel, desecrating hand over all the future, cutting her off from the possibility of love and marriage, and from the children whom in dreams she held in her arms. As she had said to Hester, she thought she "had nothing left to give."

"Keeping a wife," was a phrase of blasphemy to him, or at least it seemed desecrating women to the level of a dog, a horse, or a cow the "keeping" of which appeared, according to their phraseology, a matter of the same general import as the cherishing a beloved partner of all in which the human heart takes an interest.

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