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He was in none of the expected places; the dank fields were as empty as the house. She turned back to the ditch; from its high bank she could see farther into the shadowy places of the bottom. Travis, meanwhile, had been leisurely pursuing his evening beat.

His voice sounded unnatural. He extended his hand. Dank gave him a ceremonious salute, bowed slightly but without a smile, and then threw open the door. "Mr. Blithers, my lords," he announced, and stood aside to let the stranger in a strange land pass within. A number of men were seated about a long table in the centre of this imposing chamber. No one arose as Mr.

Then his sun-dazzled vision adjusted itself to the gloom and he saw the dank, slime-covered stones that formed the sides of the well, and below the black gleam of water and something pink and white, that struggled and went under, and showed again. "Celia, Celia!" Joel shouted. "Don't be scared. Uncle Joel's coming." He had been a coward all his life.

The clouds had begun to break, the rain was gradually ceasing, leaving in the air a damp, fresh smell, the smell of wet asphalt and the odour of dripping woodwork. It was warm; the atmosphere was dank, heavy, tepid. One or two stars were out, and a faint gray light showed him the vast reach of roofs below stretching away to meet the abrupt rise of Telegraph Hill.

In less time than it takes to relate I had already marked with my eye the very spot down the street where I had last seen Theodore. I hurried forward and saw at once that my surmise had been correct. At that very spot, Sir, there was a low doorway which gave on a dark and dank passage. The door itself was open. I did not hesitate. My life stood in the balance but I did not falter.

No one spoke of Hugh Fernely, or connected him with the occurrence at the Hall. There was an inquest, and men decided that he had "died by the visitation of God." No one knew the agony that had cast him prostrate in the thick, dank grass, no one knew the unendurable anguish that had shortened his life. When Lionel returned to the Hall, he went straight to Lord Earle.

How close an observer he became, even as a lad, is clearly shown in these lines, written as he lay under a tree, listening to the music of the birds: "The creeping mosses and clambering weeds, And the willow branches hoar and dank, And the wavy swell of the soughing reeds, And the wave-worn horns of the echoing bank, And the silvery marish flowers that throng The desolate creeks and pools among, Were flooded over with eddying song."

There was the marsh too; a whole new life to be learned; a complicated, mysterious, dank, slippery, reedy, treacherous life, but with its own beauty and an allurement that could grow on one, so that you could forget the solid world and love only that which quaked and gurgled. In this place you may swim.

The south is the native place of the human race; the land of fruits, more grateful to man than the hard-earned Ceres of the north, of trees, whose boughs are as a palace-roof, of couches of roses, and of the thirst-appeasing grape. We need not there fear cold and hunger. Look at England! the grass shoots up high in the meadows; but they are dank and cold, unfit bed for us.

"We can't afford to have him losing his head over a pretty er a nobody, perhaps an adventuress, at this stage of the game. I much prefer the impossible Miss Blithers, Dank, to this captivating unknown. At least we know who and what she is, and what she represents. But we owe it to our country and to Dawsbergen to see that he doesn't do anything er foolish.