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Potage aux laitues et petits pois 0 15 Potage aux croutons a la puree 0 15 Potage aux choux 0 15 Potage au consomme 0 12 Potage au pain 0 12 Potage de sante 0 12 Potage au vermicel 0 12 Potage au ris 0 12 Potage a la julienne 0 12 Potage printanier 0 15 Potage a la puree 0 15 Potage au lait d'amandes 0 15 Potage en tortue 1 10

Rub the soup through a strainer, return to the fire, season with salt and pepper. Beat the yolks of the eggs well, add the cream to them and stir into the soup. Cook three minutes, stirring constantly. If you have no cream, use milk, in which case add a tablespoonful of butter at the same time. Pour over fried croutons in a soup tureen. This is a refreshing dish when one is fatigued.

Serve hot with melted butter poured over them, and garnish with parsley. Italian Soup. Let fry a few minutes; then add 2 quarts of soup-stock seasoned with salt, white pepper and a little saffron to taste. Add 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese; let all cook until done. Serve with toasted croutons. Turkish Purée.

Beans can be used in precisely the same way; and both bean and pea soups are nicer served with croutons, or a thick slice of bread cut in dice, and fried brown and crisp, or simply browned in the oven, and put into the tureen at the moment of serving.

Serve with boiled potatoes. Hungarian Duck. Season and roast the duck; then cut into pieces for serving. Chop the giblets; add to the gravy in which the duck was roasted, with 1 glass of red wine, 1/4 teaspoonful of paprica, a pinch of cloves and the juice of a lemon. Let boil; add the sliced duck and let simmer until tender. Serve hot; garnish with fried croutons. Venison a la Parisienne.

By the time all were seated, seven young waitresses were filing into the room, bearing in their hands the trays of steaming soup. They made a pretty picture and the guests smiled graciously as the cups of thick cream soup, each with four delicately browned croutons swimming on the top, were placed before them.

The regular patrons begin to come in. The poor professor, after his unprofitable labours of the day, enters, and bows to the landlady, who is cordial or severe in her greeting according to the items on the little slate which records her accounts. He begins his meal. "He has soupe aux croutons, veau

40. =Stewed Kidneys.= Cut one large beef kidney in thin slices about an inch long; fry two ounces of onion in one ounce of butter, until pale yellow; add the kidney, fry or rather sauter it, for about five minutes, shaking the pan frequently to prevent burning; then stir in one ounce and a half of flour, season with one saltspoonful of salt, a quarter of a saltspoonful of pepper, and the same of powdered sweet herbs made as directed on page 20, and one gill of boiling water; cook ten minutes longer; meantime make eight heart-shaped croutons of bread, as directed in receipt No. 38; add one gill of Madeira wine to the kidneys, pour them on a hot dish, sprinkle them with a teaspoonful of chopped parsley, arrange the croutons around the border of the dish, and serve hot at once.

When tender, pass the spinach through the sieve, then put a bit of butter into an enameled saucepan, then the spinach, which heat for six minutes, add a little pepper. Serve it with the tongue, and you can garnish as well with little croutons of bread fried in butter.

Boil and mash three good-sized potatoes. Add to them slowly a quart of scalded milk, stirring well so it will be smooth. Add the potato and milk mixture to the onion mixture. Season with salt and pepper. Let it get very hot, and pass it through a strainer into the tureen. Sprinkle over the top a little parsley chopped very fine, and a few croutons.