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In a trice, however, by the assistance of his female second, he was on his legs again, and grappling with his antagonist, endeavoured to tip him a fall, but instead of accomplishing his purpose, he received a cross-buttock, and the brewer throwing himself upon him as he fell, had well-nigh smothered him on the spot.

Hare ve to be at the vedding, capn?" "Dem your impudence! I'll cross-buttock yah!" "Hold your tongue, Bill queering a gent. Draw it mild, captain. Debtancosts ain't paid yet. Here they come, though." Lucy returned swiftly, holding aloft a slip of paper. "There, sir, that is a check for 90 pounds; it is the same thing as money, you are doubtless aware." The man took it and inspected it keenly.

None the less, after some wild stampings and strivings in which the old man all but made good his promise to put me in the creek, I took him unawares with a Cornishman's trick a cross-buttock shifted suddenly to a shoulder-lift which sent him flying overhead to land all abroad in the soft clay of the landslide. The effect of this little triumph was magical and wholly unlooked for.

He'd given the little waistrel the cross-buttock, and felled him on his head. I saw the other ride off, and I saw Simeon Stagg. When all was still, I crept out and took Wilson's money yes, I took it; but I flung it into the next beck. For the moment, when I touched him I thought he was alive. I've not been drinking hard since then, Ralph; no, nor never will again."

I, however, instantly spoiled his harangue, by retaliating in a way that he little expected: I seized the gentleman, and, having sprung with him out of the door, I gave him, in spite of the most determined resistance, a cross-buttock, and pitched him a neat somerset over the banisters, into the landing-place of the ground-floor, before my friend Davenport had scarcely left his seat.

Joe Hines, ex-lumber-jack, came down with an impact equal to a fall from a two-story building his overthrow accomplished by a cross-buttock, delivered, he claimed, before he was ready. There was nothing exhausting in all this to Daylight. He did not heave and strain through long minutes. No time, practically, was occupied.

A heavy cross-buttock at the end of the thirty-first round shook the breath from his body, and he came up for the thirty-second with the same jaunty gallantry as ever, but with the dazed expression of a man whose wind has been utterly smashed. "He's got the roly-polies," cried Belcher. "You have it your own way now!" "I'll vight for a week yet," gasped Wilson.

This was done quickly and scientifically, and it convinced Hodge that Bascomb could not work the cross-buttock on Merriwell. Hugh Bascomb was disgusted and infuriated by his failure. He had counted on having a soft thing, and he was actually getting the worst of the encounter. Time was called, and a breathing spell taken.

The Knights were combative, as their noble predecessors with the same title always were, and it was necessary to come to a voie de fait. My straight blow from the shoulder did for Sir Michael. Hiram treated Sir Hans to what is technically known as a cross-buttock.

And never mind what I said yesterday about closing with him, we must risk his cross-buttock, and your superior strength may serve you." "Time! time!" cried the boys, and the antagonists jumped up from their seconds' knees, and met again. Saurin had lost all his nervousness now; his superiority was evident, and he felt nothing but triumph and gratified malice.