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By this time the officers, accompanied by Corbet, entered, and all followed the doctor in a body to aid in the search. The search, however, was fruitless. Every room, cell, and cranny that was visible in the establishment underwent a strict examination, as did their unhappy occupants.

It was evident that the man was badly, terribly afraid and as they watched him in amazed wonder his eyes began to search the shore and the cliffs as if he were some hunted animal seeking any hole or cranny in which to hide. A sudden swelling of the light wind brought the steady throb of the oncoming engines to his ears and he turned on Vickers with a look that made the onlookers start.

No longer was he afraid of falling. He was quite at home on the stone wall. He knew every stone in it, and every nook and cranny. He knew exactly the best way to run along that old wall. So all he had to think about now was catching Rowdy Red-Squirrel. But Rowdy escaped.

It was the scent of the garments of my Athanasia, as I had dreamed it in my dream! Whence that wind had borne it, who could tell? but in the husk that had overgrown my being it had found a cranny, and through that cranny, with the scent, Nature entered. I looked up to the blue sky, wept, and for the first time fell on my knees. 'O God! I cried, and that was all.

They fixed a pick into a cranny between their heads, crouched together, and the third, planting his feet first on their knees and then their shoulders, was raised slowly above them. The glasses turned from afar caught a sheen of sunshine that spread for an instant across the face of the mountain and sharply outlined the flattened form high on the arête.

A powerful voice from every nook and cranny should ring in the ears of those who, from the day they begin their connection with the university, roam at will with such self-complacency and shamelessness among the awe-inspiring relics of that noble civilisation: 'Hence, ye uninitiated, who will never be initiated; fly away in silence and shame from these sacred chambers! But this voice speaks in vain; for one must to some extent be a Greek to understand a Greek curse of excommunication.

To this he led Brian, and Brian stooped down and looked through the cranny, while Turlough went farther and fared as well. There was but one room in the hut, and it was well lighted by the fire that glittered merrily on the hearth.

An at lasst when Jenny an I opened t' door again juist a cranny like theer he was, takin hissel off his fadther screamin afther him an he wi his Papish coat, an his head hangin as thoo there wor a load o' peaet on it an his hands crossed soa pious! Aye, theer he goes! an he may goa!" cried Polly, her face flaming as it followed the Jesuit out of sight.

Against his will for he craved to be quite alone with his griefs and no distracting influences creeping in Jeff listened. Listening, he heard language of such splendor as literally to force him to rise up and approach the fence and apply his eye to a convenient cranny between two whitewashed boards.

She will inform the reader confidentially tell it not in Gath of a humiliating discovery she made exactly four weeks afterward, and which she has never before imparted to a human creature, it wasn't loaded. Well, they peered behind every door, they glared into every shadow, they squeezed into every crack, they dashed into every corner, they listened at every cranny and crevice, step and turn.