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The detective was momentarily at a loss. He conscripted his entire store of tact "I don't want to cause you any embarrassment, Miss Gresham " "This is no time for equivocation, Mr. Carroll. You may ask me whatever you wish." "Thank you," he answered gratefully. "You have, of course, heard that there is a woman connected with Mr. Warren's death the woman in the taxicab."

Why did I put you in as his private secretary, if not to have you watch him and see that he did do my bidding? Why did I have Congress pass all those bills and things, except to give you the weapons and tools to hold the lid on? "You've had a huge army and a conscripted militia given you; and hundreds of wireless plants, and military roads and war-equipment beyond all calculating.

Once a Bolshevik commander who gave himself up to us said that the great majority of officers in the Soviet forces had been conscripted from the Imperial Army and were kept in order by threats to massacre their families if they showed the slightest tendency towards desertion.

I told them, I had learned that many of their husbands were fighting against the government while the husbands of many of the colored women were fighting to sustain it, and I should favor those who were on the side of the government. I asked them why they did not themselves remain in their old homes? "We came 'case our men was conscripted," they said.

He goes out and gets killed like any little bourgeois, and the swine plaster him all over with their filthy praise. He'd rather they'd spat on him." He meditated fiercely. "Well he couldn't help it. He was conscripted." "You think he wouldn't have gone of his own accord?" "I'm certain he wouldn't." "And I'm certain he would." "I wish to God we'd got conscription here.

"Sire," said the poor woman between her sobs, "I am the mother of three children, whose father is conscripted by your Majesty; the children and the mother are in the deepest distress." "Monsieur," said his Majesty to some one of his suite, "make a note of this man's name; I will make him an officer."

He paused, finished his cigarette and suavely resumed: "They went to war as young men, because it promised to be more exciting than pushing a plow over a worn-out hillside. Or because there was nothing else to do. Or because they were conscripted and kicked into it. They came out of the war the most invincible grafters in history.

He absorbs facts and principles with the shades and variations the daily paper gives them. Reports of events and announcements of policies are colored to suit the aims and opinions of the editors and proprietors. Windy platitudes at least for those who know facts and have studied principles become gospel truth for the unthinking mass. Public Opinion is thus conscripted by an "irresponsible power."

And that the overwhelming majority of the workmen concerned with munitions should have patriotically and triumphantly decided this struggle as they have under pressure, no doubt, but under no such pressure as exists in a conscripted, still more in an invaded, nation may rank, I think, when all is said, with the raising of our voluntary Armies as another striking chapter in the book of England's Effort.

They had done their duty faithfully and well. They wanted to see their families; in fact, wanted to go home anyhow. War had become a reality; they were tired of it. A law had been passed by the Confederate States Congress called the conscript act. A soldier had no right to volunteer and to choose the branch of service he preferred. He was conscripted.