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Updated: August 6, 2024

So she had simply determined not to keep faith; and her determination, at least, she did keep. Mildred sank to her rest, or rose to fuller comprehensions, within the year, in the Isle of Wight, and Captain Benyon, who had never written so many letters as since they left Naples, sailed westward about the same time as the sweet survivor. For the "Louisiana" at last was ordered home.

He hoped Catie would listen to him, and understand him and his crisis; but, all the time he hoped, he was conscious of a sneaking fear lest she would not. Scott loved to talk things out, and Catie, when she was not too busy otherwise, was a good listener. Nevertheless, her comprehensions were concrete and very, very finite.

Jane seemed to me to be increasingly interesting; she was acquiring new subtleties, complexities, and comprehensions, and shedding crudities. She wrote better, too. We took her stuff sometimes for the Fact. At the same time, she seemed to me to be morally deteriorating, as people who grab and take things they oughtn't to have always do deteriorate.

But these men act quite contrary; for with them, a wise and prudent man, being conversant in many comprehensions and memories of comprehension, esteems few of them to belong to him; and not caring for the rest, he thinks he has neither more or less by remembering that he lately had the comprehension of Dion sneezing or Theon playing at ball.

The least reflection and observation, teach us their unspeakable value as sources of food, clothing, and other purposes; my task therefore lies with their dispositions and comprehensions. The last anecdote related shews, that they have more patience, but less courage and resource, than the more lively companions with whom they are so frequently associated, and whom they so much resemble.

He he laced out and caught me and that's where I landed, there against the wall." The servant of the "Gov'mint" nodded his comprehension he nodded it volubly, with deep bows that would have done credit to a dancing master, lest his comprehensions seem in the least bit veiled with doubt. He even clicked his tongue sympathetically, just as the plump newspaper man had done.

To do him justice, he was as unconscious of the limits of sixteen in Bice's case as we all are in the case of Juliet. She was of no age. She was the ideal woman capable of comprehensions and intentions as far above anything possible to the genus boy as heaven was above earth.

You may be able to explain it to yourself no doubt you are but to our more limited comprehensions it must remain inexplicable. We can only judge from appearances." "And of course appearances go against me they always do against a woman," she cried rather brokenly. "You would have been wise to have taken that peculiarity into consideration sooner," replied Jack Meredith coldly.

If one could only be quite different, and simple say a small child, a boy with bare feet, with a fishing-rod in his hands, his mouth yawning good-naturedly. Only children really live. I envy them frightfully. I envy frightfully the simple folk, the altogether simple folk, remote from these cheerless comprehensions of the intellect. Children live only children.

"Good God!" he said, and then again, "Good God." "Yes," she said, watching belated comprehensions flood up into his face, "that was it." "You mean you had on your hands that night a " "Yes, a three-and-a-half-weeks-old one." "You were broke?" "Stony." "Good God! You poor " "I'm not pleading for your sympathy, Mr. Visigoth. Only a square deal. Will you give it?"

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