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Bintrey, on the other hand, a cautious man, with twinkling beads of eyes in a large overhanging bald head, who inwardly but intensely enjoyed the comicality of openness of speech, or hand, or heart. "Yes," said Mr. Bintrey. "Yes. Ha, ha!" A decanter, two wine-glasses, and a plate of biscuits, stood on the desk. "You like this forty-five year old port-wine?" said Mr. Wilding.

The children were radiantly content with their lot; and it is on record that the little boy once remarked, "I don't remember when I came down from heaven; but I'm glad I happened to tumble into so good a family." The same individual, rolling on the floor in excess of mirth over some childish comicality, panted out, "Oh, mamma, my ball of jolly is so big I can't breathe!"

The girls chose to have their wash first and their meal afterward, and felt refreshed and brighter after they had done so. Then they dressed in the clothes Saba had provided for them, and could, at any other time, have laughed at the comicality of their aspect, muffled up in white, with only their eyes visible.

We sat on the ground in a little circle around him, and listened to his comical and side-splitting stories of army life, and incidents in camp and field generally. He was an inimitable story teller, and his peculiar tone and manner added immensely to the comicality of his anecdotes.

The boy laughed to himself at the comicality of the thought. "Fresh beef running wild!" The faint report of a gun fired afar off now reached his ear and he saw a blue puff of smoke rising from the crest of a timber-bordered hill far away.

The officials took their cue, the entire audience laughed, and the galleries of children, not understanding at all, but convulsed at the antics of the head policeman, yelled encore. The British consul grinned, and the governor turned and winked at him. The entente cordiale was cemented again. The second in command, who provoked the sundering of the tie, had reunited it by his comicality.

He is the villain! Let him live, for he too comes of blood and bone. He shall not grind the faces of the poor and helpless that's all. The comicality of her having such remarks addressed to her provoked a smile on Rosamund's lips. 'Don't go at him like Samson blind, said Mr. Lydiard; and Miss Denham, who had returned, begged her guardian to entreat the guest to stay.

He was swinging his arms wildly; as wildly was he shouting. He noted that he had secured their attention. "How in damnation can you laugh" he screamed. "The bank has been robbed and the cashier murdered!" When the skeow-wowed "brook" twisted the drama into an anticlimax of comicality, the players who were on the stage escaped the deluge by fleeing into the wings.

The President answered, dropping the "Lord Roscoe" comicality, and speaking rapidly and seriously, with a flush of excitement: "Conkling, after ten years of absolute despotism in New York for Grant did everything for him, and Hayes tried to comfort him got the elephantiasis of conceit.

The subjects are sacred; and with the sacred is mingled the comic, here as at Augsburg, where over one portal of the cathedral, with saints and angels, monkeys climb and gibber. A favorite subject is that of our Lord praying in the Garden, while the apostles, who could not watch one hour, are sleeping in various attitudes of stony comicality.