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By this long practice of mine, you may know how appreciable this satisfactory standard scale is to your humble servant. In the winter of 1865 I visited Italy. While at Rome, in April, I had the pleasure of meeting Otto W. von Struve, the celebrated Russian astronomer. He invited me to accompany him on a visit to Father Secchi at his fine observatory of the Collegio Romano.

Again, it was he who, to prevent any interference on the part of the patriotic Abbe Pisoni, the young woman's confessor and the artisan of her marriage, had urged her to take the same spiritual director as her aunt, Father Lorenza, a handsome Jesuit with clear and kindly eyes, whose confessional in the chapel of the Collegio Germanico was incessantly besieged by penitents.

In Brescia there is a censorship for gravestones; and in Rome a strict watch is kept over the English burying-ground, lest any one should write a verse of Scripture above a heretic's grave. The expression of thought is more dreaded than brigandage. Those who aspire to the learned professions go to the Collegio Romano.

Beatrice and the four Milanese ambassadors were then escorted to the ducal palace, where the young duchess was admitted to the Sala del Collegio, and laid her husband's memorial before the Signory. But, as M. Delaborde remarks, the language which Beatrice employed on this occasion differed considerably from the written instructions which had been given to the Milanese envoys by Lodovico.

"Behold!" said he, after due grace of apology, when the senators had withdrawn to the Sala di Collegio and taken their accustomed places, "here are two briefs which, by the imperative instructions of our Sovereign Lord the Pope, I must at once deliver to your Serene Highnesses."

Nathaniel Highmore, The History of Generation, Examining the several Opinions of divers Authors, expecially that of Sir Kenelm Digby, in his Discourse of Bodies, London, 1651, p. 4. Ibid., pp. 26-27. Ibid., pp. 27-28. Ibid., p. 45. Ibid., Pp. 90-91. William Harvey, Opera omnia: a Collegio Medicorum Londinensi edita, Londini, 1766, p. 136.

Education of a Roman Boy Seldom taught his Letters Majority of Romans unable to Read Popular Literature of Italy Newspaper of the Roman States Censorship of the Press Studies in the Collegio Romano Rome unknown at Rome Schools spring up under the Republic Extinguished on the Return of the Pope Conversation with three Roman Boys Their Ideas respecting the Creator of the World, Christ, the Virgin Questions asked at them in the Confessional Religion in the Roman States Has no Existence Ceremony mistaken for Devotion Irreverence The Six Commands of the Church Contrast betwixt the Cost and the Fruits of the Papal Religion Popular Hatred of the Papacy.

Very soon this fantastic way of piling up pieces of pediment and of entablature became only too popular, being copied for instance in the Collegio Novo at Oporto, where, however, the design is not quite so bad as the towers are brought forward and are carried up considerably higher.

The great victory of Lepanto, gained by the united fleets of Spain and Venice over the Turk on the 7th of October 1571, gave fitting occasion for one of Paolo Veronese's most radiant masterpieces, the celebrated votive picture of the Sala del Collegio, for Tintoretto's Battle of Lepanto, but also for one of Titian's feeblest works, the allegory Philip II. offering to Heaven his Son, the Infant Don Ferdinand, now No. 470 in the gallery of the Prado.

To this only twenty-two seconds were added by De Vico, as the result of over 10,000 observations made with the Cauchoix refractor of the Collegio Romano, 1839-41. The axis of rotation was found to be much more bowed towards the orbital plane than that of the earth, the equator making with it an angle of 53° 11'.