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Updated: July 31, 2024

"That's Chance Dalton with his arm in a sling," said Macdonald, looking at her curiously. "What's up?" "Chadron has made them all believe that you stole Nola for the sole purpose of making a pretended rescue to win sympathy for your cause," she said. "Even Nola will believe it maybe they've told her.

Chadron sounded almost tearful in her pleading. "Why, he brought Nola home didn't you know that, Saul? He brought her home all safe and sound!" "Yes, he stole her to make that play!" Chadron said, either still deceived, or still stubborn, but in any case full of bitterness. "I'll never believe that, father!" Nola spoke braver than Frances had expected of her.

"I'll send a man up the river right away, and find out about this last one," Chadron told him, nodding slowly. "If you've got Macdonald " "If hell's got fire in it!" "If you've got him, I'll put something to the figure agreed on between you and me. The other fellers you've knocked over don't count." "I'll hang around " "Not here! You'll not hang around here, I tell you!"

Chadron was riding among them, large and commanding as a general, with a cloud in his dark face that seemed a threat of death. Mrs. Chadron was hurrying in to make a bundle of some heavy clothing for Nola to protect her against the night chill on her way home, which the confident soul believed her daughter would be headed upon before midnight.

The post at Fort Shakie had been the nearest neighbor in those days, and it remained the nearest neighbor still, with the exception of one usurper and outcast homesteader, Alan Macdonald by name, who had invaded the land over which Chadron laid his extensive claim.

Banjo said nothing at all, but put away his instrument with reverent hands, as if no sound was worthy to come out of it after that sweet agony of love. Mrs. Chadron got up, in her large, bustling, hospitable way, sentimentally satisfied, and withal grossly hungry.

"Look here, Mark" Chadron opened the slip which he had wound round his finger "this one is worth ten, yes, all, the others. Make your own price on him. But I want it done; no bungled job." Mark took the paper and laid his pipe aside while he studied it. "Macdonald?" "Alan Macdonald," nodded Chadron. "That feller's opened a ditch from the river up there on my land and begun to irrigate!"

"Who'll put a hand on you in this country unless we give the word?" Chadron asked, severely. "How do I know who's runnin' the law in this dang country now? Maybe you fellers is, maybe you ain't." "There's no law in this part of the country bigger than the Drovers' Association," Chadron told him, frowning in rebuke of Mark's doubt of security.

"His big play for sympathy fell flat," said King, with a contemptuous laugh. "There wasn't much of a crowd on hand when he arrived at the ranch." Silence. A little shifting of feet, a growl from Chadron, and a curse. "But as for your proposal involving Miss Chadron, I am honored by it," said King. "Any man would be!" Chadron declared. "And we will just let it stand, waiting the lady's sanction."

Chadron, who was hurrying from the house with excited gesticulations, pointing up the road. "Somebody's comin', it looks like one of the boys, I saw him from the upstairs winder!" she announced, "Where was you goin', honey?" "I was starting home, Mrs. Chadron, but these men " "There he comes!" cried Mrs. Chadron, hastening to the gate.

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