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Even before the school term ended we began to take a hand at this work, after four o'clock and on Saturdays. While the hired man and father ran the cross-cut saw, whose pleasant song had much of the seed-time suggestion which vibrated in the caw-caw of the hens as they burrowed in the dust of the chip-yard, I split the easy blocks and my brother helped to pile the finished product.

"Jimmie Caw-Caw, the crow boy, had picked it up to hide under the pump," answered Nurse Jane. "Crows, you know, like to pick up bright and shining things." "Yes, I remember," said Uncle Wiggily. "Very well, I'll give Mrs.

"He had to do as it says in the book, and he had to nip off my nose. So that's why I can't smell Nurse Jane's nice perfume." Uncle Wiggily thought for a minute. Then he said: "Just you wait here. I think I can fix it so you can smell as well as ever." Then the bunny uncle hurried off through the woods until he found Jimmie Caw-Caw, the big black crow boy.

Feb. 6. brite and fair. me and Pewt and Beany sawed and split some wood for Misses Lewis. Feb. 7. brite and fair. sawed some more wood, me and Pewt and Beany. Feb. 8. brite and fair. split some more wood, me and Pewt and Beany. Feb. 9. Fatty Melcher and Caw-caw Harding, Chitter Robinson and Medo Thurston helped saw some more wood. Feb. 10.

General Blair was ordered to break up this railroad, forward to the point where it crossed the Santee, and then to turn for Columbia. On the morning of the 13th I again joined the Fifteenth Corps, which crossed the North Edisto by Snilling's Bridge, and moved straight for Columbia, around the head of Caw-Caw Swamp.

"At least I saw her start for there with a plate, knife and fork as I was coming here. And, no doubt, the maid is in the garden, where she'll pretty soon have her nose nipped off by a blackbird." "That part happened yesterday," said Uncle Wiggily. "I was there just after it happened, and I got Jimmie Caw-Caw, the crow boy, to fly after the blackbird and bring back the maid's nose.

"Jimmie," said the bunny uncle, "will you fly off, find the blackbird, and ask him to give back the garden maid's nose so she can smell perfume?" "I will," said Jimmie Caw-Caw, very politely. "I certainly will!" Away he flew, and, after a while, in the deep, dark part of the woods he found the blackbird, sitting on a tree. "Please give me back the garden maid's nose," said Jimmie, politely.

And at the foot of the tree Jimmy Rabbit stood on tiptoe. He had often wished he could climb a tree but never so much as then. As the train drew nearer to the tree where Mr. Crow and his friends were waiting, it gave a loud shriek. "You hear that?" said Mr. Crow. "It's still angry." And he shouted an impudent caw-caw in reply. In a moment more the race began. Mr.

Never had I witnessed birds so manifestly rejoicing at their good fortune, with happy, loud caw-caw. Or rather haw-haw! what a harvest, what abundance! was there ever a more perfect August and September!

Up they went, perhaps a hundred of them, rooks and jackdaws together cawing and soaring round and round till they reached a great height. At that level, as if they had attained their ballroom, they swept round and round on outstretched wings, describing circles and ovals in the air. Caw-caw! jack-juck-juck! Thus dancing in slow measure, they enjoyed the sunshine, full from their feast of acorns.