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The angels, in pretending that it was their purpose to abide in the street all night, made the same experiment on Lot. This species of simulation involves no falsehood; its design is not to deceive, but to catechize and instruct.

It was only after we had passed Sir Ernest Cassell's red house, with the smoky irrigation works where fourteen hundred Arabs have chased the desert into the background, and after we had visited the splendid twin temples of Light and Darkness at Kom Ombo, towering majestically above the Nile bank, that I found time to catechize and lecture Miss Guest.

She had great-great-grandsons living, and I believe that the descendants extended even further. I began to catechize her, or rather to test her, to see if she had the use of reason; but for the time I could not convince myself whether she had it or not.

"You are my prisoner," said Titelmann, "and are to answer me and none other." The inquisitor proceeded accordingly to catechize him, and soon satisfied himself of the schoolmaster's heresy. He commanded him to make immediate recantation. The schoolmaster refused. "Do you not love your wife and children?" asked the demoniac Titelmann.

At this considerable Danish factory, they were received into the mission- house of the Danes, and there remained while studying the language, in which Schwartz made so much progress that he preached his first Tamul sermon only four months after his arrival, and by the spring was able to catechize the children who attended the school.

An intoxicating perfume loaded the atmosphere, and even oppressed the senses. Lacour, as he sank upon the sofa, felt overcome by a strange languor. The mask sat close beside him. "Captain," said the mask, in a musical, insinuating voice, "have you ever loved?" "Before I answer this question," replied Lacour, "I must first know what prompts you thus to catechize me."

When in the fever country I have my 'rig'" subtly she shaded the word "just the same. But I have a net a big net like a tent beneath which I sit. Does that satisfy you?" She spoke with the obvious painstaking patience that one uses to instruct a child, but with a veiled irony meant for an older intelligence. Kingozi laughed. "I do appear to catechize you, don't I? But I am interested.

'The fortunes of an old woman to whom Kate or I read every Friday, said Elizabeth, 'and the fortunes of various young school-children, who must be prepared for Papa or Mr. Walker to catechize in Church on Sunday. 'Why do not you send Kate or Helen, instead of murdering yourself in the wet? said Anne. 'And would not Helen go? said Anne; 'she does not catch cold as easily as you do.

I think that when I know the language well enough to catechize freely, it will be far more interesting, and I shall have a far more intelligent set of catechumens, than in England.

And, so dull is it in our service, that I would go to a puppet show far less fine and thank thee for the chance. The printer spat upon the floor when she mentioned her mistress. 'I will catechize, he muttered. 'Answer me as I charge thee. The old man, standing on the chest, tapped one of the Germans on the shoulder. 'See you that wall, friend? he laughed.