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I would rather have Lady Orlay's laugh than another woman's tears. And so would you; for you are a man of common-sense, though deadly dull in conversation." As if to prove the truth of this assertion, Deulin was himself silent until they had ascended St. James's Street and turned to the left in Piccadilly; and, sure enough, Cartoner had nothing to say.

It seems to indicate that England is prepared to give me a welcome." "On the face of it, Jooly, it would seem just that." Mr. Mangles continued to gaze with a speculative eye into Northumberland Avenue. If, as Cartoner had suggested, the profession of which Mr.

The latter, perhaps, recalled the thoughts of Martin and his heedlessness; the former made her think of she knew not what. She was looking towards the colonnade that marks the site of the King of Saxony's palace, when Cartoner came through the archway into the garden. She recognized him even at this distance, for his walk was unlike that of the nervous, quick-moving Pole or the lurking Jew.

"Even Fate can be hampered in its movements, princess," answered Cartoner. "By what?" "By action. I have written for my recall." He was looking towards the pavilion. It seemed that it was he, and not his companion, who was now anxious for Martin to return. Wanda was still looking across the course towards the sinking sun. "You have asked to be recalled from Warsaw?" she said. "Yes."

That things in Poland are not at all what they seem. And, of course, we are implicated. We live from day to day in uncertainty. And my father is such an old man; he has had such a hopeless struggle all his life. You have only to look at his face " "I know," admitted Cartoner. "It would be very hard if anything should happen to him now, after he has gone through so much.

Mangles looked from Cartoner to his niece with an odd smile, which was perhaps the only way in which that lean countenance could express tenderness. "As if it mattered what I think," she said, humbly, again. "Always like to conciliate a lady," said Mr. Mangles, in his deep voice.

She spoke lightly, and seemed quite determined to make as little of the incident as possible. "Then how do matters stand?" inquired the prince. "It comes to this," answered Martin, "that Poland is not big enough to hold both Kosmaroff and Cartoner. Cartoner must go. He must be told to go, or else " Wanda had taken up her work again.

"He is the man that the English send when they suspect that something is going on which they can turn to good account. He has a trick of finding things out that man. Such is his reputation, at all events. Paul Deulin is another, and he is here. He is a friend of yours, by-the-way; but he is not dangerous, like Cartoner. There is an American here, too. His instructions are Warsaw and Petersburg.

"Cartoner and Deulin probably know the story," continued Joseph, "but they won't admit that they do. There was once a nobleman in this city who was like Netty; he had a romantic heart. Dreamed that this country could be made a great country again, as it was in the past dreamed that the peasants could be educated, could be civilized, could be turned into human beings.

She looked at Cartoner with a wise nod and a shrewd look in her gay, blue eyes. "A man's career is only the surface of his life." "Then some men's lives are all surface," said Cartoner. Wanda gave a little, half-pitying, half-contemptuous jerk of her head. "Some men have the soul of an omnibus-horse," she replied.