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Carthew could not be brought to punishment without the whole affair being made public. That is the thing above all others to be avoided." "Yes, I see that, sir; and yet it seems hard that he should go off unpunished again." "He would not go unpunished, you may be sure," Frank said, grimly; "for if the fellow ever showed his face in London again, I would thrash him to within an inch of his life.

Carthew breathed long; he had a strange, half-pleasurable sense of wading deeper in the tide of life. "Well," said he, "you were going on to say?" "I was going on to say this," said the captain sturdily. "I've overheard what Mr. Hadden has been saying, and I think he talks good sense. I like some of his ideas first chop.

"This is curious," I said to the under-gardener. "I have had the pleasure of some acquaintance with Mr. Carthew myself; and I believe none of our western friends ever were in England. Who can this person be? He couldn't no, that's impossible, he could never have had the impudence. His name was not Bellairs?" "I didn't 'ear the name, sir. Do you know anything against him?" cried my guide.

All counters in, boys!" and he began to pour his winnings into the chest, which stood fortunately near him. Carthew stepped across and wrung him by the hand. "I'll never forget this," he said. "And what are ye going to do with the Highway boy and the plumber?" inquired Mac, in a low tone of voice. "They've both wan, ye see." "That's true!" said Carthew aloud.

Engraved portraits of bygone Carthews adorned the walls; Fielding Carthew, Recorder of the City of London; Major-General John Carthew in uniform, commanding some military operations; the Right Honourable Bailley Carthew, Member of Parliament for Stallbridge, standing by a table and brandishing a document; Singleton Carthew, Esquire, represented in the foreground of a herd of cattle doubtless at the desire of his tenantry, who had made him a compliment of this work of art; and the Venerable Archdeacon Carthew, D.D., LL.D., A.M., laying his hand on the head of a little child in a manner highly frigid and ridiculous.

That evening, soon after dark, the Eagle, dusty and unkempt from a journey which had not been free from mishaps, rolled up to the front-door of Mr. Prohack's original modest residence behind Hyde Park; and Mr. Prohack jumped out; and Carthew came after him with two bags. The house was as dark as the owner's soul; not a gleam of light in any window. Mr.

Three months later you will be here begging, and I shall have no choice but to show you in the street." "I wish you a good-evening," said Norris. "The same to you, Mr. Carthew," retorted the lawyer, and rang for his clerk.

He was now about a week returned from his eclipse, pervading Sydney in hansom cabs and airing the first bloom of six new suits of clothes; and yet the unaffected creature hailed Carthew in his working jeans and with the damning bundle on his shoulder, as he might have claimed acquaintance with a duke. "Come and have a drink?" was his cheerful cry.

The numbers were still equal, but the Flying Scuds dreamed not of defence, and fled with one accord for the forecastle scuttle. Brown was first in flight; he disappeared below unscathed; the Chinaman followed head-foremost with a ball in his side; and the others shinned into the rigging. A fierce composure settled upon Wicks and Carthew, their fighting second wind.

"If we are going to try this thing on, I shall want every sixpence." "You'll see if we're going to try it!" cried Tommy, rising radiant from table. "Only, mark you, Carthew, it must be all in your name. I have capital, you see; but you're all right. You can play vacuus viator, if the thing goes wrong." "I thought we had just proved it was quite safe," said Carthew.