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By gaining such forbidden knowledge he hoped to get Dr Pendle well under his thumb; and once there the prelate could be kept in that uncomfortable position until he gratified Mr Cargrim's ambition. For a humble chaplain to have the whip-hand of a powerful ecclesiastic was a glorious and easy way for a meritorious young man to succeed in his profession.

A look into the bishop's past might show me many things of moment, and the fat living of Heathcroft seemed almost within Cargrim's grasp as he came to this conclusion. 'Now then, sir, interrupted a sharp but pleasant female voice, 'and what may you want?

Thence he passed on to talk of Cargrim's suspicions, of Baltic's arrival, of Mosk's arrest, and of the latter's promise to keep the secret of which he had so wickedly become possessed. Having told the past, he discussed the present, and made arrangements for the future.

He repeated his warning text over and over again; he illustrated it in the most brilliant fashion; and his appeals to those who had secret sins, to confess them at once, were quite heartrending in their pathos. As most of his congregation had their own little peccadilloes to worry over, Mr Cargrim's sermon made them quite uneasy, and created a decided sensation, much to his own gratification.

Finally Graham hit upon a method of leading up to the subject of Cargrim's treachery, by referring to the old gipsy and her fortune-telling at Mrs Pansey's garden-party. 'What does Mother Jael know of your secret? he asked with some hesitation.

Bell, detesting the chaplain, as she took no pains to conceal, would probably refuse to hold a conversation with him; but Mrs Mosk, being weak-minded and ill, might be led by dexterous questioning to tell all she knew. And what she did know might, in Cargrim's opinion, throw more light on Jentham's connection with the bishop.

'Well, you need not swear at him. 'If I didn't swear I'd kick him, Mab; and think of the scandal to the Church. Cargrim's a sneaking, time-serving sycophant. I wonder my father can endure him; I can't! 'I don't like him myself, confessed Mab, as they seated themselves in the window-seat. 'I should think not! cried Captain George, in so deliberate and disgusted a tone that Mab laughed.

Personally she detested Cargrim, but she respected his cloth, and was glad to see him wield the thunders of his clerical position. 'That is right, Mr Cargrim! she cried with flashing eyes. 'Tell him he ought to be ashamed of drinking and singing with mother so ill upstairs. 'I don't mean t'do any 'arm, said Mosk, rising sheepishly, for the shock of Cargrim's appearance sobered him a good deal.

With all his love for the father, Dr Pendle could never bring himself to like the son, and determined in his own mind to confer a benefice on him when possible, if only to get rid of him; but not the rich one of Heathcroft, which was the delectable land of Cargrim's desire. The bishop intended to bestow that on Gabriel; and Cargrim, in his sneaky way, had gained some inkling of this intention.

At first, on hearing of the crime, his face had betrayed at all events, to Cargrim's jealous scrutiny an expression of relief, but shortly afterwards on second thoughts, as one might say there came into his eyes a look of apprehension.