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Updated: August 14, 2024

To gain such an immense power, and use it for the furtherance of his own interests, Cargrim was quite prepared to compound a possible felony; so the last case of the bishop would be worse than the first. Instead of being in Jentham's power he would be in Cargrim's; and in place of taking the form of money, the blackmail would assume that of influence.

Well, I'm afraid you can't see my mother. In the first place, she's too ill to receive anyone; and in the second, my father does not like clergymen. 'Dear! dear! not even Mr Pendle? 'Mr Pendle is an exception, retorted Bell, blushing, and again fell to wiping the counter in a fury, so as to keep her hands from Mr Cargrim's ears.

Well! well! two secrets are better than one, and if I gain a knowledge of them both, I may inhabit Heathcroft Rectory sooner than I expect. Cargrim's meditations were here cut short by the falling of heavy drops of rain, and he put all his mind into his muscles to travel the faster. Indeed, he almost ran through the new town, and was soon out on the country road which conducted to the palace.

'Your worthy landlady mentioned several houses in which you were in the habit of seeing sick people amongst others this hotel. 'Mrs Mosk is very ill. I have been seeing her, said Gabriel, shortly. 'Ay! ay! you have been seeing Mrs Mosk! Gabriel changed colour and cast another glance towards the bar, for the significance of Cargrim's speech was not lost on him.

When the man was lodged in Beorminster Jail when his complicity in the crime was proved beyond all doubt then Baltic promised to write out, for the edification of his employer, a detailed account of the steps taken to bring about so satisfactory a result. And from this stern determination all Cargrim's arguments failed to move him.

But the worried man, filled with some unknown anxiety, was quite oblivious to Cargrim's manoeuvres. For some time the chaplain, in spite of all his watchfulness, failed to come upon anything tangible likely to explain what was in the bishop's mind.

It took all Cargrim's tact and politeness and Christianity to endure patiently her gabble. 'Yes, bishop, Miss Whichello was saying, with some annoyance, 'your son has admired my niece for some considerable time. Lately they became engaged, but I refused to give my consent until your sanction and approval had been obtained.

'No doubt, assented the bishop, indifferently, 'although I daresay so notorious a vagrant must have possessed at least half a dozen names. It was on the tip of Cargrim's tongue to ask by what name Jentham had been known to his superior, but restrained by the knowledge of his incapacity to follow up the question, he was wise enough not to put it.

Certainly, such reformation did not please Mr Mosk over-much, and he frequently grumbled that it was hard a man should have his trade spoilt by a psalm-singing missionary, but a wholesome fear of Cargrim's threat to inform Sir Harry checked him from asking Baltic to leave.

He wanted the bishop's secret to be his alone, and the more spotless was Dr Pendle's public character, the more anxious he would be to retain it by becoming Cargrim's slave in order that the chaplain might be silent regarding his guilt. But to obtain such an advantage it was necessary for Cargrim to acquaint himself with the way in which Dr Pendle had committed the crime.

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