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At this moment Mr Cargrim's meditation was broken in upon by the voice of Dr Graham. 'You are the very man I want, Cargrim. The bishop has written asking me to call to-night and see him. Just tell him that I am engaged this evening, but that I will attend on him to-morrow morning at ten o'clock.

He almost regretted having sought the assistance of a man who appeared more likely to be a hindrance than a help. For once, Cargrim's scheming brain could devise no remedy. Lurking about the library as usual, Mr Cargrim was much astonished to receive a visit from Dr Graham.

'I congratulate you both, said Cargrim, gravely. 'This will be a surprise to the bishop, and feeling himself unequal to the situation, he made his escape. 'Well, father, said Bell, 'this is a pretty kettle of fish, this is! Certainly there was little enough to admire in Mr Cargrim's character, still he was not altogether a bad man.

This was quite enough for Mrs Pansey; she scented evil like a social vulture, and taking Cargrim's arm dragged him away to find out all the bad she could about The Derby Winner and its too attractive barmaid. Left to herself, Miss Norsham seized upon Dean Alder, to whom she had been lately introduced, and played with the artillery of her eyes on that unattractive churchman.

'He is a private inquiry agent who is trying to discover the man who killed Jentham. 'On behalf of Tinkler, I suppose? 'He is working with Tinkler in the matter, replied Brace, evasively, for he did not want to inform George, the rash and fiery, of his father's peril and Cargrim's treachery. 'Baltic is a London detective, no doubt?

The bishop was no stranger to Cargrim's ambition, as it was not the first time that the chaplain had hinted that he would make a good rector of Heathcroft, therefore he did not feel surprised at being approached so crudely on the subject. With a testy gesture he pushed back his chair and looked rather frowningly on the presumptuous parson.

He had every faith in Baltic, and quite believed that in time the missionary would lay his hand on the actual murderer. When this was accomplished, and Cargrim's attempt to gain illegal power over Pendle was thwarted; then all chance of a public scandal being at an end would be the moment to consider how the bishop should act in reference to his false marriage.

Also Cargrim desired to find the missing pistol, and the papers which had evidently been taken from the corpse. This last idea was purely theoretical, as was Cargrim's fancy that Jentham's power over Dr Pendle had to do with certain papers. He argued from the fact that the pockets of the dead man's clothes had been turned inside out.

'Barren indeed! it has five figs on it. Really, sitting under its shade one would fancy one was in Palestine. Do come, Mr Cargrim, and Miss Whichello fluttered through the door like an escaping bird. 'With pleasure; the more so, as I know we shall not be missed. 'Damn! muttered Captain Pendle, when the door closed on Cargrim's smile and insinuating looks.