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Updated: August 17, 2024

For if any were by him taken wherein any of these four pieces should be touched that is to say, the marriage of the queen our wife, the revocation of the Bishop of Canterbury's sentence, the statute of our realm, or our late proclamation, which be as it were one and as walls, covering, and foundation make a house, so they knit together, establish, and make one matter ye be well assured, and be so ascertained from us, that in no wise we will relent, but will, as we have before written, withstand the same.

It is a vigorous Englishman's closet study of a prolonged and bitter struggle the conflict in Henry II.'s time between the church and the crown as exhibited in the person and dominant ecclesiastical attitude of the audacious prelate who met his tragic end by Canterbury's altar.

For if any were by him taken wherein any of these four pieces should be touched that is to say, the marriage of the queen our wife, the revocation of the Bishop of Canterbury's sentence, the statute of our realm, or our late proclamation, which be as it were one and as walls, covering, the foundation make a house, so they knit together, establish, and make one matter ye be well assured, and be so ascertained from us, that in no wise we will relent, but will, as we have before written, withstand the same.

They laid sixteen and a quarter to one on Helmsgail. Harry Carleton cried out, "It is all over with Phelem-ghe-Madone. I will lay my peerage of Bella-aqua, and my title of Lord Bellew, against the Archbishop of Canterbury's old wig, on Helmsgail." "Give me your muzzle," said Kilter to Phelem-ghe-Madone. And stuffing the bloody flannel into the bottle, he washed him all over with gin.

Thence I by water to Westminster, and the Duke of Albemarle being gone to dinner to my Lord of Canterbury's, I thither, and there walked and viewed the new hall, a new old-fashion hall as much as possible. Begun, and means left for the ending of it, by Bishop Juxon.

The descriptions given by Lords Brougham, Jeffrey, the genial Sir Walter, and others, of Watt's universality of knowledge and his charm in discourse recall Canterbury's exordium: Hear him but reason in divinity And, all-admiring, with an inward wish consumed, You would desire the king were made a prelate; Hear him debate of commonwealth affairs, You would say it hath been all in all his study: List his discourse of war, and you shall hear A fearful battle rendered you in music.

You admire her greatly," said Nelly. "Indeed, it must be the Bishop of Canterbury's lady," suggested his Majesty. "Surely!" exclaimed Nell, with a merry laugh. "But guess again." When the king had exhausted his three guesses, she said triumphantly, "My new friend's name is Frances Jennings." "Ah, indeed!" exclaimed the king.

"This won't do," said the captain sternly; "we've got in the wrong current, and instead of going out to sea we are going inland. In half an hour we'll be at Canterbury." "I have heard Canterbury's a very nice old town," said Josiah. "It wouldn't be a bad place to stop at; and if the wind's contrary to-day, it might be right to-morrow."

Pocket was the only daughter of a certain quite accidental deceased Knight, who had invented for himself a conviction that his deceased father would have been made a Baronet but for somebody's determined opposition arising out of entirely personal motives, I forget whose, if I ever knew, the Sovereign's, the Prime Minister's, the Lord Chancellor's, the Archbishop of Canterbury's, anybody's, and had tacked himself on to the nobles of the earth in right of this quite supposititious fact.

Thomas of Canterbury's Day they heard that the foe were close at hand, many thousands strong, and on the morrow Queen Margaret, with her boy beside her, and the Duke of Somerset, came before the gate and called on the Duke to surrender the castle, and his own vaunting claims with it, or else come out and fight.

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