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Every mated bird, of course, recognises its fellow. Birds under confinement distinguish different persons, as is proved by the strong and permanent antipathy or affection which they shew, without any apparent cause, towards certain individuals. I have heard of numerous instances with jays, partridges, canaries, and especially bullfinches. Mr.

And almost immediately I heard a cart pass, and a hawker crying: "Ground-SEL! Groundsel for your dickey-birds!" To think that there are people who get up at that unearthly hour to buy groundsel for their canaries! I looked to see whether any one had called in my absence; their cards should be on my table.

The saddest part of the business was that they had opened the cage of affection; all their better feelings had taken flight, like so many canaries. The genial warmth of father, mother and child, when united together and wrapped up in each other, deserted them, and left them shivering, each in his or her own corner.

Every school-boy can enumerate and call by name the Canaries, the Fortunate Islands of the ancients; which, according to some ingenious speculative minds, are mere wrecks and remnants of the vast island of Atalantis, mentioned by Plato, as having been swallowed up by the ocean.

All the silver weather, golden weather, diamond weather since we had left Gomera in the Canaries how many ages since! now was changed. We had thought it would last always, but now we entered the long season of great heat and daily rain.

Attend but beware! lest they rise in horror before thee! When he proceeded from the Fortunate islands, now termed the Canaries, to Hispaniola, the island on which he first set foot, turning his prow a little toward the south, he arrived at innumerable islands of savage men, whom they call cannibals, or Caribbees; and these, though naked, are courageous warriors.

As to whether we should make for the Azores or the Canaries, we were pretty unanimously of opinion that, despite the much greater distance of the latter, if we were, as we supposed, within the influence of the trade-wind, we should stand a much better chance of fetching it; and after some further discussion it was definitely determined to shape the best course we could for Teneriffe.

The Philippines Another Example of the Shocking Misgovernment of Spain's Outlying Possessions Interesting Facts About the Philippines Spanish Oppression and Cruelty Manila, the Capital of the Islands Manufactures and Trade of the Eastern Archipelago Puerto Rico and Its History The Products and People Spirit of Insurrection Rife The Colonies Off the Coast of Africa Where Spain Exiles Political and Other Offenders The Canaries, Fernando Po and Ceuta.

As the spring came on, I grew more and more lonely, and fell back on the telegrapher and the cigar-maker and his canaries for companionship. I remember I took a melancholy pleasure in hanging a May-basket for Nina Harling that spring. I bought the flowers from an old German woman who always had more window plants than any one else, and spent an afternoon trimming a little work-basket.

It took him two hours to give the canaries their seed, three to stick a pin through a dead butterfly, and four to pick a convolvulus. The only point about him was that he was willing. "And what," he asked, having spent a whole afternoon changing the goldfishes' water, "shall I do now, sir?" The naturalist ran his fingers through his locks.