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As long as I live, I shall stay with you." Meinik had been astounded at Calcutta; which presented a strong contrast, indeed, to the city which, as a Burman, he had regarded as the most important place in the world. "The Burmese are fools, master. They should have sent two or three men here, before they made up their minds to go to war.

Then he ventured into the heat and glare of Broadway where humanity stewed and wilted. At Thirty-second Street he ran into Burman, with whom he had all but cornered wheat. "You're the man I wanted to see," said Percival. "Hurry and look! I'm melting fast." "Come off on the yacht." "My preserver! I was just going down to the Oriental, but your dug-out wins me hands down.

John Cormyn's, at Nataly's request, for Nesta and mademoiselle: enjoying the Londonized odour of the cab. Nataly did not respond to his warm and continued eulogies of Mrs. Burman; she rather disappointed him.

Mandalay was the terminus of our third excursion into the more remote parts of Burma. From Rangoon as a center of operations, we went first to Bassein, where our Burman and our Karen schools for boys and girls are beautifully located. Bassein is one hundred and ninety-two miles west of Rangoon.

"I had very good luck, sahib," chuckled the Burman, "very good luck. The Kachin was under when we drop down, and that break my fall. I very near drowned, but at last I got on bank. Then I go on up the pass, and run to the other sahibs." "Here's the road," said Jim Dent. "There's no moon, but we can see all we want by the stars. Up you go." Jack, Mr.

Inside this wall at one time, the Burman time, was crammed the whole of Mandalay six thousand houses, more or less. It was the town. The British cleared out all the houses, and the town is now outside in wide streets, we saw it this morning as we drove up from the station, and the palace is left here alone in its glory. That tall, many-roofed spire is the King's house.

You could drift all the way from Bhamo to Rangoon on a log, and I am sure no one would try to pick you up unless you shouted for help. Let anyone try to drift down from Oxford to Richmond, and he will be forcibly saved every mile of his journey, I am sure. The Burman boatmen you passed would only laugh and ask how you were getting on.

Jack, who was lying in a patch of thick grass, and wrapped in a blanket, watched the sturdy figure of the Burman as Me Dain paced lightly to and fro, looking out keenly on every hand. Then Jack dozed off himself for half an hour, and woke again. He glanced round and saw that Me Dain was sitting on a rock with his back towards the sleepers. The first glance aroused Jack's suspicions.

G. and her maid came behind with recent fragile purchases; pottery, in another bullock-cart, with an older Burman whose face was a delight so wrinkled, and wreathed with smiles. I tailed behind and sketched as per margin, as we went through the sand shockingly unacademical wasn't it, to draw walking? Our first Dak bungalow experience was short.

"Well," grunted Me Dain, "U Saw got both now, for sure, both young master and old master." "What makes you think that, Me Dain?" cried Buck. "Have you seen or heard anything?" "Nothing, nothing," replied the Burman, waving his hand. "But what else can be? They catch him and take him off. Oh yes, sure to be."