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Updated: August 6, 2024

An' three donkeys buntin' logs in behind." "Swift work. There wasn't a sign of a move when I left this morning," Fyfe commented drily. "Well, take the Panther around to the inner landing. I'll be there." "What's struck that feller Monohan?" the Dane sputtered angrily. "Has he got any license to close the Tyee? He says he has an' backs his argument strong, believe me. Maybe you can handle him.

We'll put out in twelve days. Everything shipshape?" "Up to the buntin', sir, and down to her keel. I sh'd say about six-hundred tons; an' mebbe twelve days instead of fourteen. An' what'll be our course after Madeery, sir?" "Ajaccio, Corsica." "Yessir." If the admiral had said the Antarctic, Flanagan would never have batted an eye. "You have spoken the crew?" "Yessir; deep-sea men, too, sir.

'What you adoin' of here, says I. 'Seems to me you're prowling around mighty permiscuous, buntin' inter people on the State stage road. You git inter the bresh, says I, 'where you belong or I'll kick a few dents into you. Now don't stand here argifying the pint, says I, just as important as if I was the Gardeen of the Valley, which I wasn't.

They were, however, well able to take care of themselves and had made their way to the border of the stream, where we found them safe. In the meantime Buntin and Story dragged the carcases of the wolves we had killed to a distance from the camp, as their skins were not worth preserving.

In short, he was a Leading Signalman of His Majesty's Navy. His name I need not mention. To his friends he sometimes answered to "Nutty," but more often to "Buntin'."

"It's the first time that I minds that I ever sailed under that buntin', and I would be sorry to see it often hoisted over my head," he observed to the elder Doull, pointing at it with his thumb half over his shoulder, and a contemptuous sneer on his lips. "I never loved them mounseers, and hopes I never may.

"Deacon Pettybone's north mowin' is turned into a baseball grounds, and everybody in town is buyin' buntin' to wrap their harnesses, and Kittleman's fetched in more 'n five bushels of peanuts, and every young un in taown'll be sick with the stummick ache." "Feelin' extry cheerful this mornin', hain't ye? Kind of more hopeful-like than I call to mind seein' you fer some time."

It floated freely upon the breeze; which the filmy mist, though half disclosing, could not altogether conceal. The deep red colour was too scarce upon the ocean to be mistaken for the livery of any of its denizens. It could not be the tail-feathers of the tropic bird so prized by the chiefs of Polynesia; nor yet the scarlet pouch of the sea-hawk. It could be nothing else than a "bit o' buntin'."

The animal was dressed up in a complete suit of miniature uniform, made chiefly of the coloured buntin used for flags with sundry bits of red baize purloined from the carpenters. His regimental cap was constructed out of painted canvas; and under his lower jaw had been forced a stock of pump-leather, so stiff in itself, and so tightly drawn back, that his head was rendered totally immoveable.

"You see, it is hopeless," said Jack to Dick Buntin. "Your young friend must have lost his life. I am very sorry, but we must be moving westward. It won't do to detain Armitage longer. He is very good-natured, but from what he said to me yesterday, he will be starting away without us. He requires action.

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