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Budde has shown in his Kanon des Alten Testaments, 1900, that the Old Testament which lies before us finished and complete, assumed its present form only as the result of the growth of several centuries.

Budde, in his Religion of Israel to the Exile, insists that the Kenite god, Jehovah, demanded "The sacred ban by which conquered cities with all their living beings were devoted to destruction, the slaughter of human beings at sacred spots, animal sacrifices at which the entire animal, wholly or half raw, was devoured, without leaving a remnant, between sunset and sunrise, these phenomena and many others of the same kind harmonise but ill with an aspiring ethical religion."

"What tho' the floures be riche and rare of hue and fragrancie, What tho' the giver be kinde and fair, they have no charme for me. The wreathe whose brightest budde is gone is not ye wreathe I'de prise: I'de pluck another, and so passe on, with unregardfull eyes. And so the heart whose sweet resorte an hundred rivalls share May yielde a moment's passing sporte, but Love's an alyen there."

Previous commentators had sometimes held that the Song of Songs was a mere collection of detached and independent fragments, but on the basis of Wetzstein's discoveries, Professor Budde elaborated his theory, that the Song is a Syrian wedding-minstrel's repertory.

But did he borrow its form and structure from the Greek? Nothing seems less akin than the slight dramatic interest of the idylls and the strong, if obscure, dramatic plot of Canticles. Budde has failed altogether to convince readers of the Song that no consistent story runs through it.

So they sprang to the centre of the hall where he was lying, dashed aside his assailants, and lifted up the old man from the floor with his hand all bleeding. But Joachim Budde, who was seated on the very same bench which Ulrich had in vain tried to reach, began to mock the old knight. Whereupon Ulrich asked if it were he who had struck her Grace with the drumstick.

Miss Sartain has also received letters from Switzerland from M. Leon Genoud, president of the Swiss Commission, begging her to accept the appointment. <b>SCHAEFER, MARIA.</b> First-class medal, Bene-merenti, Roumania. Born in Dresden, 1854. Her first studies were made in Darmstadt under A. Noack; later she was a pupil of Budde and Bauer in Düsseldorf, and finally of Eisenmenger in Vienna.

See the references in Schwally, Das Leben nach dem Tode nach den Vorstellungen des Alten Israels, pp. 59-68, and Jeremias' Vorstellungen, pp. 106-116. Job, vii. 10. Refâ'îm. Gen. xlii. 38. Incidentally, a proof that the dead were not buried naked. Das Leben nach dem Tode, etc, p. 67. I Sam. ii. Recognized by the critics as an insertion. See Budde, Die Bücher Richter und Samuel, p. 197.

If he told them that the favor of God could only be gained by obeying the laws he taught, it was because he thought such an appeal would be effective with a majority of them. Dr. Budde, who is a good example of the modern hypercritical school, takes very nearly the opposite ground.

Whoever had a dagger or a sword drew it, and they who had none ran to fetch one. But the Prince would at once have struck old Ulrich to the heart, if his brother Bogislaus had not sprung on him from behind and pinioned his arms. Then Joachim von Budde made a pass at the old knight, and wounded him in the hand.