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And before even the nearest of the bystanders could realise what had happened Brott lay across the pavement a dead man, and Hedley was calmly handing over the revolver to a policeman who had sprang across the street. "Be careful, officer," he said, "there are still two chambers loaded. I will come with you quite quietly. That is Mr. Reginald Brott, the Cabinet Minister, and I have killed him."

The little man smiled rather queerly. "That is quite true," he answered calmly. "They hate a liar and a turn-coat. So do I!" Brott stopped short upon the pavement. "If you are going to talk like that to me, Hedley," he said, "the less you have to say the better." The man nodded. "Very well," he said. "What I have to say won't take me very long.

At the direction of this third order Lavinski died suddenly in the Hungarian House of Parliament, Herr Krettingen was involved in a duel, the result of which was assured beforehand, and Reginald Brott, the great English statesman, was ruined and disgraced. I myself have just narrowly escaped death at his hands, and in my place my servant has been driven to death.

"It is of Brott!" he remarked. "Ah, I thank you, I will smoke. Your husband's taste in cigarettes is excellent." "Perhaps mine!" she laughed. Mr. Sabin shrugged his shoulders. "In either case I congratulate you. This man Brott. He interests me." "He interests every one. Why not? He is a great personality." "Politically," Mr.

He has made, and is making still, use of the society to further his own private intrigues. In the name of the Order he brought my wife from America. She faithfully carried out the instructions of the Council. She brought about the ruin of Reginald Brott. By the rules of the society she was free then to return to her home. The Prince, who had been her suitor, declined to let her go.

If you are alone I shall come to you. If she is with you I shall be at your house in an hour, and I promise you that she shall leave England to-night with me." "Poor Brott!" she murmured ironically. The Prince smiled. "He will follow her. Every one will believe that they left London together. That is all that is required." Lady Carey re-entered the house. The Prince made his way into the gardens.

Do you suppose that it is a pleasant task to lure a brave man on to his ruin?" The Prince raised his eyebrows. "Come," he said, "you can have no sympathy with Reginald Brott, the sworn enemy of our class, a Socialist, a demagogue who would parcel out our lands in allotments, a man who has pledged himself to nothing more nor less than a revolution."

Brott, whom you must know a great deal about even though you have been away for so long the Duc de Souspennier." The two men bowed and Helene passed on. Mr. Sabin leaned upon his stick and watched keenly for any sign in the other's face. If he expected to find it he was disappointed. Either this man had no knowledge of who he was, or those things which were to come between them were as yet unborn.

Brott can have to do with this business with Lucille with you with any one connected with it?" Mr. Sabin shrugged his shoulders. "Mr. Brott," he remarked, "a Cabinet Minister of marked Radical proclivities, has lately been a frequent visitor at Dorset House, which is the very home of the old aristocratic Toryism. Mr. Brott was acquainted with Lucille many years ago in Vienna.

The Prince shrugged his shoulders. "By whom? Ah, how your story would excite ridicule. I seem to hear the laughter now. No, my dear Souspennier, you would bargain for me with Lucille. Look below. Are we likely to part with her just yet?" In a corner, behind a gigantic palm, Lucille and Brott were talking together. Lady Carey had drawn Opperman a little distance away.