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"Without any violence, of course." "Oh, of course." Was there a covert but derisive jeer concealed in that smooth assent? Bromfield did not know, but he took away with him an unease that disturbed his sleep that night. Before the clubman was out of the hotel, Jerry was snapping instructions at one of his satellites. "Tail that fellow.

"I didn't know what this joint was like or I'd never have brought you," apologized Clarendon. "A friend of mine told me about it. He's got a queer fancy if he likes this frazzled dive." Clay acquitted Bromfield of conspiracy. He must have been tailed here by Durand's men. His host had nothing to do with it. What for? They could not openly attack him. "Slim" Jim's eyes fell on him. He nudged Dave.

"Let's try the back room." He followed Clay, Durand's gangmen at his heels. The lights went out. The Westerner tried the window. It was heavily barred outside. He turned to search for a door. Brought up by the partition, Bromfield was whimpering with fear as he too groped for a way of escape. A pale moon shone through the window upon his evening clothes.

If Bromfield could deliver his enemy into his hands, Durand thought he would be a fool not to make the most of the chance. As for this soft-fingered swell's stipulation against physical injury, that could be ignored if the opportunity offered. "Can you bring this Lindsay to a gambling-dump? Will he come with you?" demanded the gang politician. "I think so. I'm not sure.

She laid her hand in his a moment, passed on to the piano, and began to play divinely, drawing him to her side. Father peeled and twisted his cigar, as he contemplated them with a thoughtful countenance. When we went to Boston we went to a new hotel, as Ben had advised, deserting the old Bromfield for the Tremont.

Veronica insisted upon her going to bed, but she refused, till Veronica threatened to sit up herself, when she carried her own carpet-bag to bed with her. We arrived in Boston the next day and went to the Bromfield House in Bromfield Street, whither father had directed us. We were ushered to the parlor by a waiter, who seemed struck by Temperance, and who was treated by her with respect. "Mr.

Was it possible for him to work with them under cover? If so, in what way? Clarendon Bromfield was not a criminal, but a conventional member of society. It was not in his mind or in his character to plot the murder or mayhem of his rival. What he wanted was a public disgrace, one that would blare his name out to the newspapers as a law-breaker.

There's a fight on against him." "What for? I thought yore father was a mighty competent operator. Don't the stockholders know when they're well off?" She looked at him enigmatically. "Some one he trusted has turned out a traitor. That happens occasionally in business, you know." It was from Colin himself that Clay learned the name of the traitor. "It's that fellow Bromfield," he explained.

In fact, as Bromfield Corey found his way at his leisurely pace up through the streets on which the prosperity of his native city was founded, hardly any figure could have looked more alien to its life.

Newton have been able to set the aunt and the dog before us so vividly if she had been more highly educated? Would Mrs. Bromfield have been able to forge and hurl her thunderbolt of a word if she had been taught how to do so, or indeed been at much pains to create it at all? It came.