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If he be patiently soothed and matters explained, all will be well; but it is a great cruelty to thrash or threaten in such a case. To frighten a child with ghost stories, or "Bogies," IS TO COMMIT A SERIOUS CRIME. It is not dealt with by the law, but it certainly deserves to be.

Fresh from its wonder-journey, the soul is braver in the morning, the brain is calmer, the spirit more hopeful. After a half-hour's self-examination with her face in the pillow Esther began to wonder if she had not been foolishly apprehensive and whether it were not possible that half her fears were bogies. The weight began to lighten, she breathed more freely.

He glanced down whimsically at his useless legs, cloaked beneath the inevitable rug. "After all," he continued, "life and death are both fearfully interesting if one only goes to meet them instead of running away from them. Then they become bogies." "And what shall I do . . . without you?" she said very low. "Aye." He nodded. "It's worse for those who are left behind.

The lady in question surveyed the apartment with the tender scrutiny of a mother about to relinquish her offspring to the rough usage of an unfamiliar world. "Bunje, darling," she said, and bent and brushed the pillow with her lips. "That's so that you'll sleep tight and not let the bogies bite." She smiled into her husband's eyes rather tremulously.

It was enough to tell her: "Do this for fear of bogies; comes in here or the were-wolf will eat you;" or "Shut your eyes, and take this drop of medicine," and the innocent girl would straightway do so, at the will of the rascals who wanted of her that which it was very natural to want of her, for she was pretty.

And a Polynesian at the best makes a singular missionary in the Gilberts, coming from a country recklessly unchaste to one conspicuously strict; from a race hag-ridden with bogies to one comparatively bold against the terrors of the dark.

"He has nae dog that ever I heard of," said Hobbie, "but mony a deil about his hand lord forgie me for saying sic a word! It keeps its grund, be what it like I'm judging it's a badger; but whae kens what shapes thae bogies will take to fright a body? it will maybe start up like a lion or a crocodile when I come nearer.

Her face gradually cleared, and when at the end he said slyly, "And even if there were bogies, little girls shouldn't throw hairbrushes at their Nannies!" she nodded a judicial head, adding plaintively: "But then Nannies mustn't talk all the time, grandfather! Little girls must talk a itty itty bit. If Nannies not let them, little girls must frow somefing at Nannies."

Larry laughed again, albeit a little bitterly, for it seemed to him that the excuse was fully justified; but the colonel said promptly, "Dick's a fool, and you might have told him there were worse things to be met on the road than bogies. Run away now, and see that the niggers are on hand when the stage comes."

In spite of everything, I've always entertained a warm affection for you, laddie, and when I saw you staring at bogies round about the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral my heart went out to you. You didn't look over-happy." Doggie, always responsive to human kindness, was touched. He felt a note of sincerity in McPhail's tone.