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The body was laid out at full length in the bottom of the boat; and the carpenter took his length on a boathook, which he notched to indicate the height of the animal. He was directed to take several other measurements; in fact, Louis kept him at work for over an hour, with another hand to assist him in spreading out the limbs.

From officer and seamen alike a laugh went up at this request, but the life buoys were caught with a boathook and drawn aboard. What rousing cheers greeted the returning launch, from the decks of the liner, "Princess Irene"! When the three midshipmen reached deck and it was learned that they were midshipmen of the United States Navy, the cheering and interest were redoubled.

"Ay, ay," growled Tom Fillot, but the boat still swayed. "Do you hear there?" cried Mark, sharply. "Who's that?" "Hi! all on you!" came again. "Did you hear my order, Dance?" cried Mark. "Sit down, man. Do you want to capsize the boat?" "I want my hitcher," said the man, sharply. "Who's been a-meddling with my boathook? it ain't in its place." "Sit down, man.

"I see something that gleams," admitted Conlon. "Well, we'll have them up and aboard in a hurry. Then you'll see just what they are." "You're not going to try to raise the things with the boathook, are you?" queried the engine tender, a look of alarm in his eyes. "That might be risky," admitted Reade. "I'll go over the side after them and bring them up. "Don't, Mr.

With two or three blows of his sword, he severed the head from the body, and a seaman secured it with a boathook. All hands applauded when the deed was done, as the Bornean washed his keen blade. The operation excited the admiration of all the lookers-on, it was so quickly and skilfully done. Louis wished to examine the weapon, and it was handed to him.

"No; he'd say, `It's your duty, boy. In God's name go and do your best." "I'm ready, Tom Fillot," he said half aloud, as he felt for and seized the rudder-lines. "Now, my lads." There was a low buzz of excitement, and then, in obedience to an order, a couple of oars were softly thrust into the water. Dance stood ready, but there was no boathook, and he fretfully asked what he was to do.

The parts of the rock that appeared above water being very trifling, were covered by every wave, so that no landing was made. Upon trying the depth of water with a boathook, particularly on the sites of the lighthouse and beacon, on the former, at low water, the depth was found to be three feet, and on the central parts of the latter it was ascertained to be two feet eight inches.

The 'heavy' whined, 'I told you how it w'd be. Samson struggled valiantly to get at an oar, while Fred, setting the example, begged all hands to be calm, and be ready to fend the stern off the rocks with a boathook. As we drifted into the surf I was wondering how many bumps she would stand before she went to pieces.

Hereupon I cast our boathook over their gunwale and while Sir Richard held the boats thus grappled, scrambled aboard them, pistol in hand, and so came upon two dead men and beside them this great dog.

"What is it?" he asked, drawing a revolver from his pocket. Ned pushed his hand back and the weapon was returned to a pocket. "Don't shoot," he said. "We are not yet ready to announce our presence here." "But what is that thing?" demanded Jack. "Is he trying to eat up the boat?" "That is a crocodile," Ned replied. "Corker, eh?" "Will he bite?" asked Jack, reaching for a boathook.