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Instead, they looked at one another as much as to say, "Well, time to go, isn't it?" Then Fort stared up at the mysterious roof. There was another clearing there, a little to one side; which accounted for Billie's overlooking it at first. Fort led the way over opposite. "Shall we try it?" he dared Mona. "You first," she replied, indifferently.

The dark blue car was, as a matter of fact, not nearly so conspicuous as he skimmed along over the road, and it was the very wisest thing Billie's father could have done to change the color.

But she had no way of knowing what kind of man their father might be. Sheba gave Janet advice about where to keep her money and when to wear rubbers and what to do for Billie's cold. She put up a lunch for them to take on the stage. When they said their sniffling good-byes at Katma she was suspiciously bright and merry. Soon the children were laughing again with her.

"Shure it looks as if she's signed a new manager," said Pat, his shrewd eyes twinkling. The soft glow in Madge's cheeks deepened into tell-tale scarlet; Billie resembled a schoolboy stricken in guilt. "Aha! so that's it?" queried her uncle. "Ellston," said Pat. "Billie's home-run drive today recalled his notice an' if I don't miss guess it won him another game the best game in life."

"He said something that time," whispered Teddy in her ear, and a little pink flush mounted to Billie's face, making her look prettier than ever. It was so nice to have one's friends like you! "Why, I was just thinking about the cooking," she said. "Do any of you boys know how to cook?" "Heavens, listen at her!" cried Ferd in alarm. "Is she going to set us to work already before we get there?

In another instant it had gained possession of Billie's weapon, which it examined curiously for a moment, ere it sprang away and stationed itself some two rods distant, where it sat watching with the weapon aimed directly at him. For perhaps five minutes the two retained their relative positions and then Billie began to regain consciousness.

I knew the man I pointed out was not Funston and I knew that as soon as the Mexicans found it out they would let him go. Some one might have told them rightly. As it was I spoiled their game and I got the money. Do you think it any crime to do that?" "That's a matter I am not in a position to discuss," was Billie's answer. "But how about robbing the bank?"

Sam's had perished in the bleak east wind of Billie's note. In other circumstances he might have resented this intrusion of a stranger into his most intimate concerns. His only emotion now, was one of dull but distinct gratitude.

"There it goes!" shouted Pedro, who had jumped his mount across the track as soon as he heard Billie's cry. The others looked in the direction indicated, and sure enough, there went the horse about a quarter of a mile away on a dead run and on its back was Billie's late acquaintance, Ab.

"Trouble outside," was Don's laconic statement. He and Billie drew the revolvers they had captured the night before. "Put 'em up," advised Adrian. "We're not here to fight." "We might have to," from Billie. "Not at all. If one side wins, we are safe. If the other side wins, we are prisoners and the attackers will be our rescuers." "Great head, Ad," was Billie's comment.