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Charlie Fairstairs and Mr Cheesacre were watching her narrowly, and she knew that they were watching her. She was certainly a woman of great genius and of great courage. Bellfield, moved by the eloquence of her words, looked with some interest at the photograph.

If a man does intend to marry he ought to have things comfortable about him; unless he wants to live on his wife, which I look upon as about the meanest thing a man can do. By George, I'd sooner break stones than that." This was hard for any captain to bear, even for Captain Bellfield; but he did bear it, looking forward to revenge. "There's no pleasing you, I know," said he.

Ten minutes might be enough for Mr Cheesacre, but ten minutes was not enough for her. Bellfield had opened the door, and it was upon him that the widow's eye glanced as she left the room. Cheesacre saw it, and resolved to resent the injury. "I'll tell you what it is, Bellfield," he said, as he sat down moodily over the fire, "I won't have you coming here at all, till this matter is settled."

When Mrs Greenow ascertained that there was something to be said, she made no scruple in sending her betrothed away from her "You won't throw a fellow over, will you, now?" whispered Bellfield into her ear as he went. She merely frowned at him, and bade him begone, so that the walk which Mrs Greenow began with one lover she ended in company with the other.

It had been arranged that the ladies should go to church in the evening, and it was thought that Captain Bellfield would, perhaps, accompany them; but when the time for starting came, Kate and Charlie were ready, but the widow was not, and she remained, in order, as she afterwards explained to Kate, that Captain Bellfield might not seem to be turned out of the house.

"Till what matter is settled?" said Bellfield, filling his glass. "You know what matter I mean." "You take such a deuce of a time about it." "No, I don't. I take as little time as anybody could. That other fellow has only been dead about nine months, and I've got the thing in excellent training already." "And what harm do I do?" "You disturb me, and you disturb her. You do it on purpose.

"There's a pride about me," he continued, "that I don't choose to go where I'm not wanted." "I can't tell you, Mr Cheesacre, that you are wanted in that light, certainly." "Then I'll go. Perhaps you'll be so good as to tell the boy with the gig to come after me? That's six pound ten it will have cost me to come here and go back. Bellfield did it cheaper, of course; he travelled second class.

Captain Bellfield, I know, went with Alice, and created some astonishment by assuring her that he fully meant to correct the error of his ways. "I know what it is," he said, "to be connected with such a family as yours, Miss Vavasor." He too had heard about the future duchess, and wished to be on his best behaviour. Kate fell to the lot of the parson.

Another Mrs Bellfield was not impossible; and what, if instead of being a real captain at all, he should be a returned ticket-of-leave man! Such things had happened. Her chief security was in this, that Cheesacre had known the man for many years, and would certainly have told anything against him that he did know.

His supremacy on this occasion was paramount, and during the dinner, and after the dinner, he was allowed to give his orders to Bellfield in a manner that must have gratified him much. "You must have another glass of champagne with me, my friend," said Mrs Greenow; and Mr Cheesacre drank the other glass of champagne. It was not the second nor the third that he had taken.