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He was in funds again through the liberality of his friend, and no payment of former loans had been made, nor had there been any speech of such. Mr Cheesacre had drawn his purse-strings liberally, and had declared that if all went well the hospitality of Oileymead should not be wanting during the winter. Captain Bellfield had nodded his head and declared that all should go well.

Much as he had hated and did hate the captain, he had skilfully made the proposition in such a way as to flatter him, and it seemed for a few moments as though he were going to have it all his own way. But Captain Bellfield was not a man to submit to defeat in such a matter as this without an effort. "I don't think that will do," said he.

I shouldn't have thought of it only for the hint you gave me. I might as well ring the bell for Jeannette to put away the wine, if you won't take any more." Then he rang the bell, and when Jeannette came he skipped lightly up-stairs into the drawing-room. "Was he here before to-day?" said Cheesacre, nodding his head at the doorway through which Bellfield had passed. "Who? The Captain? Oh dear no.

Bellfield, who was sent on to the house, found Alice and Kate surveying the newly arrived carpet bag. "He knows 'un," said the boy who had driven the gig, pointing to the Captain. "It belongs to your old friend, Mr Cheesacre," said Bellfield to Kate. "And has he come too?" said Kate. The Captain shrugged his shoulders, and admitted that it was hard.

"I'll never get up," said he, "till you have bid me hope." "Bid you play the fiddle. Get away from my knees, at any rate. There; he'll be in the room now before " Cheesacre now did hear a sound of steps, and the door was opened while he made his first futile attempt to get back to a standing position. The door was opened, and Captain Bellfield entered.

"I hardly know," said Mrs Greenow, "whether we can welcome you. There are other visitors, and the house is full." "I'm not one to intrude where I'm not wanted. You may be sure of that. If I can't get my supper for love, I can get at for money. That's more than some people can say. I wonder when you're going to pay me what you owe me, Lieutenant Bellfield?"

I never could restrain the yearnings of my heart when they have been strong." "Have they often been strong, Captain Bellfield?" "Yes; often; in various scenes of life; on the field of battle " "I did not know that you had seen active service."

"If you didn't mean to eat the meat, why the mischief did you cut it?" said Cheesacre. "Upon my word, Cheesacre, you're too bad; upon my word you are," said Bellfield, almost sobbing. "What's the matter now?" said the other. "Who wants your ham?" "You do, I suppose, or you wouldn't cut it." "No I don't; nor anything else either that you've got.

That Mrs Greenow was always in truth the dominant spirit I need hardly say; but she knew how to make a companion happy, and well also how to make him wretched. On the whole of this day poor Cheesacre was very wretched. "I don't think I shall go there any more," he said to Bellfield, as he drove the gig back to Penrith that evening.

There isn't a better fellow than Bellfield living. He and I ran for the same plate, and he has won it. He's a lucky fellow, and I don't begrudge him his luck." "That's so manly of you, Mr Cheesacre! But, indeed, the plate you speak of was not worth your running for." "I may have my own opinion about that, you know." "It was not.