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Updated: August 27, 2024

"If I didn't know you, Bab," she observed, "I would say that you are rouged." I became very stiff and distant at that. For Jane, although my best friend, had no right to be suspicous of me. "How do I look changed?" I demanded. "I don't know. You Bab, I beleive you are up to some mischeif!" "Mischeif?" "You don't need to pretend to me," she went on, looking into my very soul. "I have eyes.

I beleive her disorder originated principally from an obstruction of the mensis in consequence of taking could. I determined to remain at this camp in order to make some celestial observations, restore the sick woman, and have all matters in a state of readiness to commence the portage immediately on the return of Capt.

I wold prefer those of the Elk because I beleive them more durable and strong than those of the Buffaloe, and that they will not shrink so much in drying. we saw a herd of buffaloe come down to water at the sulpher spring this evening, I dispatched some hunters to kill some of them, and a man also for a cask of mineral water. the hunters soon killed two of them in fine order and returned with a good quantity of the flesh, having left the remainder in a situation that it will not spoil provided the wolves do not visit it.

Since you love him, here To heaven and you I give my interest up And would I could as well commaund his heart As he might mine, beleive me you should then Affect you with as true and deare a zeale As ever I did him: I should be happie In making you soe. Lady.

I knew then that all was over and that I was doomed to a single life, growing more and more meloncholy until Death releived my sufferings. For I am of a proud nature, to proud to go to him and explain. If he was one to judge me by apearances I was through. But I ached. Oh, how I ached! The Theif did not go further that day, but returned to the station. And I? I was not idle, beleive me.

We are therefore preparing for Bristol, where we mean to be in the course of the next week. And now my dear Margaret let me talk a little of your affairs; and in the first place I must inform you that it is confidently reported, your Father is going to be married; I am very unwilling to beleive so unpleasing a report, and at the same time cannot wholly discredit it.

I got the suit and the cigarettes, and even Jane's bath towle, and through them in to him. Also I beleive he took a shower, as I heard the water running, At about seven o'clock he said he had finished the play. He put on the Clothes which he observed almost fitted him, although gayer than he usually wore, and said that if I would give him a hair pin he thought he could pick the Lock.

Also he remarked that my noze need not worry me, as it exactly suited my face and nature. "How does it suit my nature?" I asked. "It's well, it's cute." "I do not care about being cute, Tom," I said ernestly. "It is a word I despize." "Cute means kissible, Bab!" he said, in an ardent manner. "I don't beleive in kissing." "Well," he observed, "there is kissing and kissing."

I have also ruined Miss Everett's couzin. The nurse is still asleep. I think I will enter a hospitle. My career is ended, my Life is blasted. I reach under the mattress and draw out the picture of him who today I have ruined, compeling him to do manual labor for hours, although unacustomed to it. He is a great actor, and I beleive has a future. But my love for him is dead.

I therefore beleive this treat in their Charector proceeds from an avericious all grasping dis-position. in this respect they differ from all Indians I ever became acquainted with, for their dispositions invariably lead them to give what ever they are possessed off no matter how usefull or valueable, for a bauble which pleases their fancy, without Consulting its usefullness or value. nothing occured to day, or more So, than our wappato being all exhausted.

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