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"A meloncholy tale, in sooth," said Mary; "but what proof is there?" "Your majesty," said Bothwell, "this is the invention of some unknown enemy" he glanced at Morton "to deprive me of your royal favour. Let this frantic damsel be removed to a Danish vessel now at Leith, and conveyed to her home." "Well, so be it!" replied the facile queen. Anna drew herself up to her full height.

In short, these six parties, during the month, enable me to pay my rent, and produce me a tolerable pittance." This meloncholy recital affected me so much, that, on its being terminated, I was unable to speak; but I have reason to think that a favourable construction was put on my silence.

"Oh, no!" says Josiah, and he kinder whistled a few bars of no tune that wuz ever heard on, or ever will be heard on agin, so wild and meloncholy it wuz "I sot down here kind o' careless. I thought seein' I hadn't much on hand to do at this time o' year, I thought I would like to look at my feet we hain't got a very big lookin' glass in our room."

I knew then that all was over and that I was doomed to a single life, growing more and more meloncholy until Death releived my sufferings. For I am of a proud nature, to proud to go to him and explain. If he was one to judge me by apearances I was through. But I ached. Oh, how I ached! The Theif did not go further that day, but returned to the station. And I? I was not idle, beleive me.