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You know how he tried to befool the mob, first by mocking Jesus as a harmless fool; and second by offering to release him according to the custom of releasing one prisoner at time of the Passover. And you know how the priests' quick whisperings led the mob to cry out for the release of the murderer Bar-Abba. In vain Pilate struggled against the fate being thrust upon him by the priests.

"It chanceth oft, dearest ladies, that he who studieth to befool others, and especially in things reverend, findeth himself with nothing for his pains but flouts and whiles cometh not off scathless.

People were guilty even of a slavish admiration of those who had the nerve to administer this wholly disproportionate reproof to the merely maladroit. It could be done only by one whom all the world had conspired to befog and befool about his importance in the scheme of things. Small wonder the girl, too, was bewildered. For no one seemed to dream of resenting what had occurred.

You may try to befool me, but I tell you that I will leave no stone unturned to solve the problem which you alone can explain." "Well, get along with your work," he laughed in open defiance. "I have no further time to waste," and glancing at his watch he opened the door and abruptly left me.

But for the moment, we are grateful for the reminder that, whether it eclipses Divine Justice or not, the grapeshot is still there, and that a man in uniform, at a word of command, will shoot his mother. We have forgotten, else it would be impossible they should try to befool us.

They were now released from the toil of sharpening the Sword a half-cycle of years, to wander in delight on the fair surface of the flowery earth, breathing its roses, wooing its brides; for the mastery of an Event lasteth among men the space of one cycle of years, and after that a fresh Illusion springeth to befool mankind, and the Seven must expend the concluding half-cycle in preparing the edge of the Sword for a new mastery.

In a little while they will try to befool me. They will take me from this cell to the bath, according to the prison custom of the weekly bath. But I shall not be brought back to this cell. I shall be dressed outright in fresh clothes and be taken to the death-cell. There they will place the death- watch on me. Night or day, waking or sleeping, I shall be watched.

'Her song does not come, I said, 'but, this time, when it does come, it will not befool my senses. Sinfi's own presence by my side that magnetism of hers which D'Arcy spoke of would be required before the glamour could be cast over me, now that I know she is crazy. Poor Sinfi! Her influence will not to-day be able to cajole my eyes into accepting her superstitious visions as their own.

"I know myself how matters stand," Chia Huan rejoined, as he cast a steady glance at her; "so don't you try and befool me! Now that you are on intimate terms with Pao-yue, you don't pay much heed to me. I've also seen through it myself." Ts'ai Hsiao set her teeth together, and gave him a fillip on the head. "You heartless fellow!" she cried. "You're like the dog, that bit Lue T'ung-pin.

"He requires to be handled with much delicacy. He has no idea yet what he is meant to do. And if I understand his nature, neither bribes nor fear would move him. He is stubborn as a Breton, and of that simple character." "One can always befool a Breton; but I hate that race," said Napoleon. "If he cannot be made useful, tie a round shot to him, throw him overheard, and get a gentler native."