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The child cried until his mother came and took him away with some show of angry impatience, not with his father's gentleness. He knew her for his mother, of course, but this was his first remembrance of her. It was baking-day, and so it could not have been a Sunday. In a big 'jowl' of earthenware that was the local word for it a batch of dough was set before a fire to rise.

I don't know how I got up them stairs, for they were beginning to burn too. I opened her door all red and glowing it was inside! like an oven when you open it to rake out the ashes on a baking-day.

He's some fond o' thi bakin', I con tell thaa. Didn't he say as when he geet wed he'd bring his missis to thee to larn haa to mak' bread? 'Yi, he did, for sure! 'And so he will, said Mr. Penrose, stepping from behind the garden bush. 'You see your husband is right, Mrs. Ashworth. I've not forgotten it is baking-day, or that I was due at your house to tea.

Now the stray figures would come scurrying through again to their homes or lodgings, and she automatically prepared to release the turnstile quickly to oblige people in haste. Then, with a little leap of the pulses, she saw Aunt Creddle. It was Aunt Creddle, out at half-past eleven on baking-day, with her print, working dress ballooning under that old coat and the hair straggling over her face.

Nowhere else in the neighborhood did the crocuses bloom so early, or the peas so soon appear above ground. Several days had elapsed since the chase, and the eventful evening which followed it. It was baking-day, and the plump arms of Sally Fairthorn were floury-white up to the elbows.

The tea-kettle boiled over and cracked the stove, and after that boiled dry and cracked itself. Finally the potatoes fell to baking with so much ardor that they overdid it and burnt up. And, last of all, the cake-jar and pie-cupboard proved to be entirely empty. Loizah had left on the eve of baking-day. "The old cat!

"Cake and wine; yesterday was baking-day, so poor sick grandmother is to have something good, to make her stronger." "Where does your grandmother live, Little Red-Cap?" "A good quarter of a league farther on in the wood; her house stands under the three large oak-trees, the nut-trees are just below; you surely must know it," replied Little Red-Cap.

The days rolled slowly on, undistinguishable from one another save by the practical divisions of baking-day, washing-day, brewing-day, and so forth; and, certainly, not distinguished by any increase of comfort in the outward surroundings of Agnes's lot.

So of course Sarah and I were not behindhand in going up to see the old lady, and taking her a pot or so of jam in fruiting season, or a turnover, maybe, on a baking-day, if the oven had been steady and the baking turned out well.

Noah and his family looked much pleased; the elephants waved their trunks with joy; the camels stopped growling. "I don't wonder they are glad to get out," said Jedidiah. "I do believe they have been treading down those wild animals all night." Mrs. Dyer wondered what they should do with the rest. Come Tuesday she would want her ironing-board, perhaps baking-day, to set the pies on.