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The Barbier de Seville is, I think, his best role; he acts with so much humor and sings so exquisitely and with such refinement. Even in the tipsy scene he is the fine gentleman. Patti sings in the singing lesson Venzano's waltz and "Il Bacio." Her execution is wonderful, faultless, and brilliant.

Bosio, feeling that variations were necessary, threw Rode's over in favor of those on "Gia della mente involarmi" a polka tune from Alary's "A Tre Nozze." Then Mme. Gassier ushered in the day of the vocal waltz Venzano's, of amiable memory. Her followers have not yet died out, though Patti substituted Arditi's "Il Bacio" for Venzano's; Mme. Sembrich, Strauss's "Voce di Primavera," and Mme.

Lucrezia bent down and kissed her padrona's hand. "Bacio la mano, bacio la mano a Lei!" Then, bareheaded, she went out from the awning into the glare of the sunshine, passed through the ruined archway, and disappeared among the rocks. She had gone to her music. Hermione stayed to listen to hers, the crack of the pistol up there near the blue sky.

"Genti che l' aura nera si gastiga." Line 136: LONGFELLOW. "Kissed me upon the mouth all palpitating." CARY. "My lips all trembling kissed." "La bocca mi bacio tutto tremante." "Purgatorio," Canto XV., line 139: LONGFELLOW. "We passed along, athwart the twilight peering Forward as far as ever eye could stretch Against the sunbeams serotine and lucent."

He goes about all day upon the railroads in our department, unfolding his programme before the travelling countrymen and changing compartments at each station. What a stroke of genius! a perambulating public assembling. This idea came to him from seeing a harpist make the trip from Havre to Honfleur, playing 'Il Bacio' all the time. Ah, one must look alive!

"Adesso sto bene!" The plunge had made him suddenly feel tremendously young and triumphant, reckless with a happiness that thrilled with audacity. As he waded out he began to sing in a loud voice: "Ciao, ciao, ciao, Morettina bella ciao, Prima di partire Un bacio ti voglio da'."

There was another about a kiss, Bacio Infame, on which a lady with a stiletto was defending herself from a bad man. All these were enticing, but we hoped to do better, and I began to blush for the somewhat thin plot of Tristram Shandy and to be thankful that my copy was not in Italian.

Maurice was going to the fishing under the sweet white moon of Sicily. And she she was no longer leaning down from the terrace of the Casa del Mare, but from the terrace of the House of the Priest. "Prima di partire Un bacio ti voglio da!" That kiss, which he had given her before he had gone away from her forever!

But I know I shall come back to find my Angela crowned with glory, and it will be reserved for me to add the last laurel leaf to the immortal wreath! I am grieved that I have no time to come and press my 'addio' on your sweet lips, but in two or three days at most, I shall be again at your feet. Un bacio di

Presently the hurdy-gurdy started the ghostly tinkling of the Il Bacio waltz, and the ingenuous couples of Avignon rose and began to dance. The thirst-driven Lackaday plucked up courage, and strode to a deserted wooden table. He ordered beer. It was brought. He sipped luxuriously. One tells one's thirst to be patient, when one has to think of one's sous.