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'We ought to come together, he says, 'an' show the people iv this ward, he says, 'how sthrong we are, he says. 'Ye might do it betther, me buck, says I, 'shovellin' slag at th' mills, I says. 'But annyhow, if ye'er mind's set on it, go ahead, I says, 'an' I'll attind to havin' th' polis there, I says, 'f'r I have a dhrag at th' station.

'I don't know how th' inhabitants iv th' place ye refer to is fixed, he says, 'f'r newspapers, he says, 'an' I niver heerd iv annybody fr'm Kansas home-stakin' there, he says, 'but if ye'll attind to th' circulation iv thim parts, he says, 'I'll see that th' paper is properly placed in th' hands iv th' vile an' wicked iv this earth, where, he says, 'th' returns ar-re more quick, he says."

"True for you, sorr," replied Mr McCarthy, stretching out his brawny fist; "and there's my hand on it to say I'll attind to your orders, if it's to holystone the face of that ould cliff there." "All right, my friend!" said Mr Meldrum, shaking the hand outstretched cordially. "I see we understand each other; and, believe me, I'll not be a hard taskmaster."

"Good-by, me lad! an' the saints attind ye!" They shook hands cordially, and Ralph started up the street on his long journey toward home, while the watchman turned back to his duties, with his heart full of kindness and his eyes full of tears. But he never, never forgot the homeless lad whom he fed and sheltered that autumn night.

Well I knew at the time, an' I said it, that a blessin' would attind your endayvors. An' now resave my blessin'. May you never depart from the right way! May the blessin' of God rest upon you for ever Amin! Childhre, I'm gettin' wake; come near me, till, till I bless you, too, for the last time!

No, there is no accounting for tastes anyhow. There's the mess-bugle, your honor. Next time we hear it, it will be at say, and maybe there won't be many ready to attind to it." Denis' prediction was verified. The vessel sailed at two o'clock in the afternoon, and by six was rolling heavily, and a brisk wind was blowing.

Tom Platt, of course, could not keep his oar out of the business, but ranged alongside with enormous and unnecessary descriptions of sails and spars on the old Ohio. "Niver mind fwhat he says; attind to me, Innocince. Tom Platt, this bally-hoo's not the Ohio, an' you're mixing the bhoy bad." "He'll be ruined for life, beginnin' on a fore-an'-after this way," Tom Platt pleaded.

"I wint into the crowd our men was dhrawin' breath behin' the Tyrone who was fightin' like sowls in tormint an' prisintly I came acrost little Frehan, our bugler bhoy, pokin' roun' among the best wid a rifle an' bay'nit. "'Is amusin' yoursilf fwhat you're paid for, ye limb? sez I, catchin' him by the scruff. 'Come out av that an' attind to your duty. I sez; but the bhoy was not pleased.

In the meantime the night had advanced; the hour might be about half-past ten o'clock; all were in the zenith of enjoyment, when old Frank M'Kenna addressed them as follows: "Neighbors, the dickens o' one o' me would like to break up the sport an', in throth, harmless and dacent sport it is; but you all know that this is Christmas night, and that it's our duty to attind the Midnight Mass.

"Thrue for you, sir, but you don't know that we've got a tarin' fire down in the barn, where there's two geese more and two shouldhers of mutton to help what you seen not to mintion a great big puddin', an' lots of other things. Sure you might notice Mave and the girls runnin' in an' out to attind the cookin' of it."