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Updated: August 5, 2024

But there's things about cookin' that anybody can attind to, such as havin' kettles and pans clean, and kapin' the fire up when it's needed, and not roastin' a body's brains out when it ain't needed. Yes, and there's other things," she continued with increasing earnestness.

"And what did Miss Margaret say to that?" "She said that all she wanted was to be left alone." "What else?" "Oi didn't hear anything more, as Oi wint to the ciller fer coal. By an' by Oi see Miss Margaret in the garden cryin'. Oi wanted to go to her, but Mrs. Langmore kim to the kitchen an' Oi had to attind to me wurruk." "How did Mrs. Langmore seem to appear when she came to the kitchen?"

Riley seemed to think that she ought to express the feeling the Bench would have had, had it been present. For she said: "You'll be laying yoursilves open to pinalties, me boys, if ye don't kape your hands off other payple's thrucks, and things that don't consurrun ye. So lave thim be, and attind to your schooling, till you're riddy for bid."

I has a frind wots a h-uncle that's ill: can you spare her, Bill, to attind him? That I can, says I; 'anything to obleedge. So Peg packs off, bag and baggidge." "And what was the sick gentleman's name?" asked Mr. R 's companion. "It was one Mr. Warney, a painter, wot lived at Clap'am. Since thin I've lost sight of Peg; for we had 'igh words about the childern, and she was a spiteful 'oman.

'In pursooance iv ordhers that niver come, he says, 'to-day th' squadhron undher my command knocked th' divvle out iv th' fortifications iv th' Ph'lippines, bombarded the city, an' locked up th' insurgent gin'ral. The gov'nor got away be swimmin' aboord a Dutch ship, an' th' Dutchman took him to Ding Dong. I'll attind to th' Dutchman some afthernoon whin I have nawthin'else to do.

I has a frind wots a h- uncle that's ill: can you spare her, Bill, to attind him? That I can, says I; 'anything to obleedge. So Peg packs off, bag and baggidge." "And what was the sick gentleman's name?" asked Mr. R 's companion. "It was one Mr. Warney, a painter, wot lived at Clap'am. Since thin I've lost sight of Peg; for we had 'igh words about the childern, and she was a spiteful 'oman.

"I thought you was bating him, so, as I had some business to attind to, I went away." "You went away wid the shirt." "Yes, I took it by mistake. Ain't it an illigant fit?" "It's big enough for two of you." "Maybe I'll grow to it in time," said Jerry. "And how much are you goin' to give me for my share?" demanded Mike. "Say that ag'in," said Jerry. Mike repeated it.

Now, mind me, ould Batty, who's seen the lands; only do ye attind to dhrill an' sinthry-go an' commissariat, till in time ye find your forces in thrim again. By thin luk out fer heads stickin' up over the hills on the side o' the inimy, who'll be wonderin' what's goin' on. 'Go 'way, she says to you, an' you go. 'Come back, she whispers to herself, an' you don't hear it.

Why, there's my Betsy Ann; she ken go a visitin' more 'n half the time, and her husband never said boo agin her house-work; an' I've known lots o' women what could embroider, an' play the piana, an' make heaps o' calls, an' attind balls an' sich till enymost mornin', an' they'd no more think o' wastin' their time in writin' a book than cuttin' their heads off!

"He must know that we are in danger so long as we are upon this island, and I should think he would leave it while it is dark." "Do yez rest on that pint?" said Tim. "The red gintlemen will attind to the same will he." At this juncture the Pah Utah was observed walking slowly toward them, his long blanket grasped at the breast by his left hand, while his right was free.

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