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Persons have existed, and do yet exist, who are law unto themselves, deliberate choosers of their fate, deliberate allies of Atropos with the shears, who go what seems to us, shivering on the brink of things, a bright and bloodstained way, and furrow deeply into life, because it must be so, because so they will have it.

Here, too, lived the three Fates, always spinning the threads of men’s lives; Clotho held the distaff, Lachesis drew out the thread, and Atropos with her shears cut it off when the man was to die. And, though Jupiter was mighty, nothing could happen but by Fate, which was stronger than he. You remember the Titans who rebelled against Jupiter.

The Fates were also three Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. Their office was to spin the thread of human destiny, and they were armed with shears, with which they cut it off when they pleased. The Erinnyes, or Furies, were three goddesses who punished by their secret stings the crimes of those who escaped or defied public justice.

And Laura? ... In Laura's case, no kindly Atropos snipped the thread of her aspirations: these, large, vague, extemporary, one and all achieved fulfilment; then withered off to make room for more. But this, the future still securely hid from her.

'It might be more interesting to her Majesty, said Atropos, 'to witness some of those extraordinary instances of predestined misery with which Hades abounds. Shall we visit OEdipus? 'Poor fellow! exclaimed Proserpine. 'For myself, I willingly confess that torture disgusts and Destiny puzzles me. The Fates and the Furies all alike started.

It's strange you'll say, and yet 'tis generally believed he would as soon do it at that distance as nearer hand. But the squib is run to the end of the rope: room for the prodigy of valour. Madam Atropos in breeches, Waller's knight-errantry; and because every mountebank must have his zany, throw him in Hazelrig to set off his story.

She approached the bed to do something to the pillow Hilda had an impulse to push her away with the cry, "It is not time yet Atropos!" "I must go now for an hour or so," the Sister went on. "That poor creature in Number Six needs me; they daren't give her any more morphia.

It was the Sphinx Atropos, the Death's Head Moth; and there, upon its breast, appallingly distinct, grinned the ghastly, gray human skull. Twice it circled rapidly round the vase, uttering strange, stridulous sounds, then floated up to the canopy overarching Felix's bed, and poised itself on the carved frame, waiting and flapping its wings, vulture-like.

True, he doesn't know the flowers by name, and in his hands a pair of clippers are as fatal as the shears in the hands of Atropos, but he is in the picture. When I see gardeners pruning I realize that that lady of destiny shows wonderful restraint about our threads of fate the temptation to snip seems so irresistible.

Lachesis, now sad, now hopeful, with her long white fingers held the hour-glass, and framed her lips to say, 'It is enough. And Atropos, blind and unpitying as the future always is, stood ready, with cruel shears, to clip the twist in twain.