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It was a pleasant refuge from the autumn storm that grill. The dark old wood framed light and color, sketches and a line of paintings. He seemed always seeking warmth and food. Kenny's old peasant in wrinkled apple-faced cheer smiled broadly from the wall, listening to the click of billiard balls with his painted eyes upon the doorway.

Boldly inscribed on a marble slab set above the door was the name, "John Dampier." Before the bell had well stopped ringing, a sturdy apple-faced old woman, wearing the Breton dress Jack so much admired, stood before them. Nancy of course knew her at once for Mere Bideau.

The denunciation was interrupted by the appearance of Spigot, who came looming up the spacious drawing-room in the full magnificence of black shorts, silk stockings, and buckled pumps, followed by a sheepish-looking, straight-haired, red apple-faced young gentleman, whom he announced as Mr. Robert Foozle.

Julia saw her little old grandmother, in an outrageous flowered bonnet, and Evelyn who was a most successful modiste now, and Marguerite, looking flushed and excited, with her fat, apple-faced young husband, and three lumpy little children.

"To see ourselves as others see us must be much like looking at one's face in a spoon." "That doesn't do us any good," Rodney Temple corrected, "because we always blame the spoon." "Don't you mind them, dear," Mrs. Temple cooed. She was a little, apple-faced woman, with a figure suggestive of a tea-cozy, and a voice with a gurgle in it, like a dove's.

'Like the dear good Tox, you are! said Louisa. 'Not at all, returned Miss Tox. 'Don't say so. This gentleman, said Miss Tox, pointing out the apple-faced man, 'is the father. Will you have the goodness to come a little forward, Sir? The apple-faced man having sheepishly complied with this request, stood chuckling and grinning in a front row.

The hamlet consisted of a tiny church and a group of labourers' cottages, in one of which, presumably because there was no other habitation for him, the curate in charge made his home. An apple-faced old woman received me at the door, and hospitably invited me to wait within for Mr.

Nicholas Jelnik, being talked to by Mrs. Scarboro and an apple-faced Confederate with pellucid blue eyes and a renowned trigger-finger. "That is the most gifted and detached human being I have ever known," said the secretary. "But it is his misfortune to have no saving responsibilities. What he needs is to fall in love with the right woman and marry her."

There was indeed a sudden confusion in the house, and, before the uncle and niece could rise, the door was opened by a prosperous apple-faced dame, exclaiming in a hasty whisper, "Housefather, O Housefather, there are a troop of reitern at the door, dismounting already;" and, as the master came forward, brushing from his furred vest the shavings and dust of his work, she added in a more furtive, startled accent, "and, if I mistake not, one is thy brother!"

He's a night man, and he is waiting down in the hall for you at this moment, sir." "I think I'll go along, if you don't mind," Berrington suggested. Field had no objection to make, and together the two descended to the hall. A little, apple-faced, shrivelled-looking man was waiting for them. There was no reason to ask his occupation London cabman was written all over him in large letters.