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He tried if MacVittie & Co. wad gie him siller on them that I ken by Andro Wylie but they were ower auld cats to draw that strae afore them they keepit aff, and gae fair words. Rashleigh Osbaldistone is better ken'd than trusted in Glasgow, for he was here about some jacobitical papistical troking in seventeen hundred and seven, and left debt ahint him.

Andro, never jarging nor daschit a whit, with magnanimus courage, mightie force of sprit and fouthe of evidence of reason and langage, plainly tauld the King and Council that they presumed ower bauldlie ... to tak upon them to judge the doctrine and controll the ambassadors and messengers of a King and Counsall graiter nor they, and far above tham!

Andro. 'To die, quoth he; 'but I leave that and manie more things for you to help. "We went from him to the printer's workhouse, whom we found at the end of the 17 book of his Cornicle at a place which we thought verie hard for the tyme, which might be an occasion for staying the haill work, anent the burial of Davie. Therefore staying the printer from proceeding, we came to Mr.

"I would that I had a lifetime of such loneliness as Margaret's hath been this day," he said to himself. At the turning of the stair they were stayed, for there, his foot advanced, his bow ready to deliver its steel bolt at the clicking of a trigger, stood Andro the Swarthy. From his stance he commanded the stair and could see along the corridor as well.

For this day was the day of the High Sport, and many lances would be splintered, and often would the commonalty need to be scourged from the barriers. But ere he went Sholto summoned two of the staunchest fellows of his company, Andro, called the Penman, and his brother John.

Andro Clerk.’ This Clerk was a Jesuit, who chiefly dealt between Spain and the Scotch Catholics. He was involved in the affair called ‘The Spanish Blanks’ , and visited the rebel Catholic peers of the North, Angus, Errol, and Huntly. Logan, like Bothwell, was ready to intrigue either with the Kirk or the Jesuits, and he seems to have had some personal acquaintance with Father Andrew.

The two young men went on up the stair. As their feet were approaching the sixth step, a sudden word came from the Penman like a bolt from his bow. "Halt!" he cried, and they heard the gur-r-r-r of his steel ratchet. Sholto smiled, for he knew the nature of the man. "It is I, your captain," he said. "You have done your duty well, Andro the Penman. Now get down to your dinner.

From Luxor you proceed to Karnak, the other great division on this side of the river, through an avenue of sphinxes considerably above a mile in extent; and here I should observe that Egyptian sphinxes are either andro or crio sphinxes, the one formed by the union of the lion with the man, and the other of the lion with the ram. Their mystery is at length penetrated.

Cairnsmuir and Ben Gairn stood out south and north like blue, round-shouldered sentinels. Castle Thrieve rose grey in the midst of the water-meadows, massive and sombre in the early sunrise. Andro the Penman and his brother John, with the taciturnity natural to early risers, were silently hoisting the flag which denoted the presence of the noble young chatelaine of the great fortress.

Andro bure him down, and outtered the Commission as from the mightie God, calling the King bot "God's sillie vassall"; and, taking him be the sleive, sayes this in effect, throw mikle hat reasoning and manie interruptiones: "Sir, we will humblie reverence your Majestie alwayes, namlie in publick, but sen we have this occasioun to be with your Majestie in privat, and the treuthe is yie ar brought in extream danger bathe of your lyff and croun, and with yow the countrey and Kirk of Chryst is lyk to wrak, for nocht telling yow the treuthe, and giffen of yow a fathfull counsall, we mon discharge our dewtie thairin, or els be trators bathe to Chryst and yow!