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A circumstance which he did not mention, was that his amica, Lisbeth Kauffmann, had spent the summer in one of the newly erected villas, where she had installed her studio and had been visited by all the foreign colony, which tolerated her irregular position on account of her gay spirits and artistic talent.

Omnis gloria ejus filiæ regis ab intus "The king's daughter is all glorious within;" or from the Canticles, iv. 7, Tota pulchra es amica mea, et macula non est in te, "Thou art all fair, my love, there is no spot in thee."

"The brandy!" said Lucia excitedly. "He has his meals in his own room." "No, amica, it was not the brandy. In fact I don't suppose the brandy had gone to Mrs Quantock's then, for he did not take it from Rush's, but asked that it should be sent...." He paused a moment "Or did he take it away? I declare I can't remember.

His latest work, with its musical title, Per Amica Silentia Lunae , has both in spirit and form something of the ecstasy and quaint beauty of Sir Thomas Browne. I had supposed that such a style as that displayed in Urn-Burial was a lost art; but Mr. Yeats comes near to possessing its secret. This book is like a deep pool in its limpidity and mystery; no man without genius could have written it.

How many times, per amica silentia lunæ, have I lain upon the ground, in the shelter of a clump of rosemary, to listen to the delicious concert! The nocturnal Cricket sings continually in the gardens. Each tuft of the red-flowered cistus has its band of musicians, and each bush of fragrant lavender. The shrubs and the terebinth-trees contain their orchestras.

A dirty hound, he is, and he served as guide to the Prussians the day before the battle of Beaumont; I leave it to these fellows if he didn't." "It's as true as there's a candle standing on that table!" attested Cabasse. "Per silentia amica lunoe," added Ducat, whose quotations were not always conspicuous for their appositeness. But Sambuc again brought his heavy fist down upon the table.

It is to Philosophy alone that our allegiance is sworn; and while we concur mostly with Mr Mill's opinions, we number both him and Sir W. Hamilton as a noble pair of brethren, serving alike in her train. Amicus Hamilton; magis amicus Mill; amica ante omnes Philosophia.

"'Amica amica-a-a," he burlesqued her stress of the luckless note- lowing it at her, and telling her in triumphant Italian that she was found at last. Braintop, after a short struggle, and an effort at speech, which was loosely shaken in his mouth, heard that he stood a prisoner. "Eh! you have not lost your cheeks," insulted his better acquaintance with English slang.

In another light, it was never the serious subject of consideration at all, for it never occupied my thoughts entirely for five minutes together, except when I was dictating to Mr. Laidlaw. February 26. Went through the same routine, only, being Saturday, Mr. Laidlaw does not come in the evening. I think there is truth in the well-known phrase, Aurora musis amica.

He may be escaping by the basement window!" "Jam hiems transiit, imber abiit et recessit; surge, amica mea, et veni!" droned the priest, and the whole company clattered downstairs. "Quick! Out with you!" commanded Father Holland. "Speed to y'r heels, and blessing on the last o' ye!" I dashed down the stairs and was bolting through the doorway when some one shouted, "There he is!"