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Updated: September 13, 2024

With these last words, Glanville's voice faltered, and I felt averse to push the argument further. Ellen's eye caught mine, and gave me a look so kind, and almost grateful, that I forgot every thing else in the world. A few moments afterwards a friend of Lady Glanville's was announced, and I left the room. Intus et in jecore aegro, Nascuntur domini. Persius.

"Bold," says he, after a silence, "you're a good fellow and a generous " "Belay there, Cludde," I said, anxious to cut him short, "we'll cry quits over all the past. Intus si recte ne labora you remember the old school motto.

Bona etiam, quae olim Hippo, D. Augustina Episcopatu nota, nunc emporium haud postremum. Intus vero est Constantina Romanarum antiquitatum reliquiis conspicua. Regnum Tremisenum. Caput regni est Tremisen, amplissima quondam, bellis gravissimis postea tenuata.

"Intus" means "into" or "within," just as well as "in," as may be seen from numerous instances in Cicero, Caesar, Ovid, Plautus, and other writers of inferior reputation in prose and poetry. The phrase then is: "having broken open the palace doors, to rush within." Where is the mistake?

It is informed by God's spirit, pervaded by his power, moved by his wisdom, directed by his beneficence, controlled by his justice. "Spiritus intus alit, totamque infusa per artus Mens agitat molem, et magno se corpore miscet." The harmony of physical and moral laws is not a mere fancy, nor a forced analogy; they are both expressions of the same will, manifestations of the same spirit.

It is first necessary to consider, Why, probably, the compositions of the Ancients, especially in their serious Plays were after this manner? And this, the judicious HORACE clearly speaks of, in his Arte Poetica; where he says Non tamen intus Digna geri, promes in scenam: multaque tolles Ex oculis, quae mox narret facundia praesens.

Thursday May 3, 1711. Addison. ... Intus, et in jecore aegro Nascuntur Domini ... Pers. Most of the Trades, Professions, and Ways of Living among Mankind, take their Original either from the Love of Pleasure or the Fear of Want. The former, when it becomes too violent, degenerates into Luxury, and the latter into Avarice.

It is impossible for the Reader's Imagination to multiply twenty Men into such prodigious Multitudes, or to fancy that two or three hundred thousand Soldiers are fighting in a Room of forty or fifty Yards in Compass. Incidents of such a Nature should be told, not represented. 'Non tamen intus Digna geri promes in scenam: multaque tolles Ex oculis, qua mox narret facundia proesens. Hor.

This odd demonstration is followed by a succession of optical questions, which are discussed and answered in true scholastic style, with no little acuteness of observation. Thus: "Utrum visus fiat intus suscipiendo?" Is vision accomplished by something received into the eye? "Utrum color fit de nocte?" Does color exist at night?

Till late at night she sat in the same chair, now and then opening a book, but unable to read; she spoke only a word or two, when it was necessary. The same on the day that followed. Seldom moving, seldomer speaking; she suffered and waited. "Hic intus homo verus certus optumus recumbo, Publius Octavius Rufus, decuno."

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