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It is nozing to me.” “Well, my dear Baron,” said Mr Bunker, like a man persuaded against his will, “what can I say? I confess I might find a little difficulty in replenishing my purse without resorting to disagreeable means, and if you really wish my society, why——” “Zen it is a bairgain?” cried the Baron. “If you insist——” “I insist. Vaiter! Alzo two ozzer liqueur.

Chantel examined his finger-tips as though for some defect; then, snatching up the cards, shuffled and dealt with intense precision. The game went on as before. "I read alzo," stammered Wutzler, like a timid scholar encouraged to lecture, "I read zo how your Englishman, Rawf Ralli, he spreadt der fine clock for your Queen, and lern your Queen smoking, no?"

"I will nod!" she answered, with proud defiance. "Then I will take her by force!" "Ah! What could nod ze monkey do, if he were alzo ze lion!" "I am the lion, and therefore I must have this lamb!" "Muz? Say muz to ze clouds; to ze winz; to ze lightningz; but not to Chicarona!" "If you do not agree to accept a fair offer for this girl, you will be in jail for kidnapping her in less than one hour!"

You did steal her, did you? Why do gypsies steal children when they have so many of their own, and it is so easy to raise more, Chicarona?" "Azk ze tiger why it zpringz, or ze lightning why it zdrikes! I will alzo azk ze Caballero a queztion. What doez he wan' wiz zis leedle gurrl?" "To be a father to her!" he answered, with a sly wink at Baltasar. "Alzo' I am dressed in wool, I am no sheep!

"Bob, my boy, you've played a great game. I congratulate you." "A very fine game, Nancarrow," said Trevanion, who, like the sportsman he was, had got over his disappointment. "You played the last fourteen holes like a book." "Pardon me," said a voice, "I hope I shall not be considered to indrude, but may I alzo congratulate you, sir.

"Bud 'ow would she be zafer wiz a young woman, ignorant and " cried the baroness, furious at this attempt to usurp her authority. "Goot!" cried the archduke cutting her short; and his face beamed at the thought of escaping forthwith to his home. "Eet shall be zo! And ze baroness shall go alzo to Cassel-Nassau zo zoon az I zend a lady who do as ze doctors zay."

"I'm just about fed up with this fool, too," said Ainsley disgustedly. "Look here, all of you! Watch me when the next light goes up. If you see me grab my pistol, pick your man and shoot." The voice of the German sergeant broke in: "Nein, nein!" and then in English: "You no shoot! You shoot, and uns shoot alzo!"

I had dis vatch factory over here by the river. Dat vas thirty years ago. Und we had a barn und horses. "But you know how it is! Vat you have today you don't have tomorrow. Not so? My vife first. The nice house und the children vasn't enough for her. She must danze also. I vas younger und my head vas harder den. Und I said, 'No. Alzo she vent avay. Yes, she vent avay. Und der vas two kids.

"He is rooning mooch faster zan he vas could." "Id's zat leedle she-devil-child! She make 'im roon and roon all ze day!" cried the baron. "Ach, zo?" said the grand duke. "Alzo he is peenk guite peenk." The satisfaction in his tone had increased. He could hardly be called a fond parent, in the matter of Adalbert; he might more truly be said to bear with him.

He loosed his slim equerry, and hammered his enormous right palm with his huge left fist. Ze order can only be gonferred on ladies of twenty-von or elder." "Zen I will gonfer it on 'er when she is twenty-von! Bud I will reward 'er alzo now! Vetch 'er!" cried the grand duke. The slim equerry went down the sea-wall across the sands to Pollyooly. The game stopped while he conferred with her.