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Then she heard him clear his throat, and in a voice shaking with passion, he said: "Give your orders to a servant." A moment of awkward silence followed. She did not recognize that voice as his or such rude, unreasonable words. "I suppose you want to know why I broke my engagement with you," she said, turning toward him aggrievedly and as though the subject could no longer be waived.

It's 'Knollys this' and 'Knollys that' all day my name being Knollys, miss you'd think I was a dog." She went along the alley-way with him. He went on, aggrievedly: "Simply because they've never had anyone to order about before, and they aren't used to it. But anything you want, let me know, miss, and I'll see you all right." When she got into the dining saloon she found small wars in progress.

I've got to." He gulped. "I'll tell you why when you come down." "Oh, fiddlesticks!" said Jan in a bored voice. "Go down to the grill and eat something. And order me an English mutton chop and some macaroni. I'll be down to dinner in five minutes." Sid aggrievedly obeyed.

I am outraged humiliated. I I disdain to explain. I leave your roof to-night." "Mr. Jones!" they said once more. Mr. Jones, still clasping his bottles, withdrew, pausing to glare at William on his way. "You wicked boy! You wicked little, untruthful boy," he said. William looked after him. "He's my prisoner an' they've let him go," he said aggrievedly.

"They always go on the top of the 'bus." She was silent for a moment. "Well, there's no use discussing it. If Edith feels that way, John must go. The house won't be livable till he does." Roger looked at her in surprise. He felt both relieved and disappointed. "John's only one of thousands to her," he told himself aggrievedly.

As they walked toward the pier, one of the pages ran up panting. "Lady, you're carrying off the bouquet," he said, aggrievedly. Eden stopped and looked at the bunch of spotty cotton roses in her hand. "Of course. I want them for a souvenir. You gave them to me yourself." "I give 'em to you for looks, but you can't take 'em away. They belong to the show." "Oh, you always use the same bunch?"

"The big, hulkin' brute," blubbered Lightfoot, sitting up and aggrievedly feeling of his front teeth, "jumpin' on a little feller like me an' he never give me no warnin', neither. You jest wait, I'll " "Aw, shut up!" growled Old Man Reavis, whose soul had long been harrowed by Lightfoot's festive ways. "He give you plenty of warnin', if you'd only listen.

And the dirk, how account for that, and the blood-stains?" "Now what's the use," asked McKnight aggrievedly, "of my building up beautiful theories for you to pull down? We'll take it to Hotchkiss. Maybe he can tell from the blood-stains if the murderer's finger nails were square or pointed." "Hotchkiss is no fool," I said warmly. "Under all his theories there's a good hard layer of common sense.

"What's the use of her wasting thoughts on a solemn dub like our brother?" he demanded aggrievedly. "What business has he trailing the soap-boxing suffragers around when he is about to take upon himself vows to cleave only to the daughter of a militant 'Anti' leader, some time when he can jar himself loose from his professional cares long enough for a honeymoon?"

"I wouldn't sell another sock if you paid me ten thousand dollars a year. I am through." "Oh, very well," said the buyer aggrievedly, "but if you leave me this way you will be unable to refer to the house." But nothing, not even a team of oxen, could have held Jimmy in that section another minute, and so he got his pay and left with nothing more in view than a slow death by starvation.