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Updated: August 19, 2024

Hence, the receiver of life is a goddess equally with the giver of life, and indeed, Ishtar and Allatu are but the two aspects of one and the same phenomenon. Allatu signifies 'strength. The name is related to the Arabic Allah and the Hebrew Eloah and Elohim. The same meaning strength, power, rule attaches to many of the names of the gods of the Semites: Adôn, Etana, Baal, El, and the like.

The heart of that elder world beat strangely in one of the upper chambers where they came upon a little work-shop, strewn with unknown metals and tools and empty crucibles, and in their midst a rectangular metallic plate partly traced with a device of boughs, appearing, in one light, slightly fluorescent. "It is the work of the Princess Simyra, adôn," said Jarvo.

It is marked by a White Blade blazoned on the rock over the entrance of the submarines. The way is cunningly concealed hardly will the glass reveal it, adôn." Barnay shook his head. "You've a bad time comin' with the home-sickness," he prophesied, tucking his beard far down in his collar until he looked, for Barnay, smooth-shaven.

"Did not the adôn wish to ascend the mountain?" he asked. "Rather," said Amory, "but how, good heavens?" "I and Akko wish to ascend also; the prince has sent us no message, and we fear him," said Jarvo simply. "There are on the island, adôn, six carriers, trained from birth to make the ascent. They are the sons of those whose duty it was to ascend, and they the sons for many generations.

I shall go now, immediately, to the motor it is waiting already by the wall on the side of the courtyard opposite the windows of the banquet hall. I shall not fail you." "On the side of the courtyard opposite the windows of the banquet room," repeated Amory. "Thanks, Jarvo. You're all kinds of a good fellow." "Yes, adôn," gravely assented the little man from the threshold.

Only we must bear in mind that the savage hunter and herdsman of those early days had probably not yet attained to the abstract idea of vegetation in general; and that accordingly, so far as Adonis existed for them at all, he must have been the Adon or lord of each individual tree and plant rather than a personification of vegetable life as a whole.

He is "Baal," master or owner, he is "Adon," lord; in later circumstances he is "Melech," king. "El," mighty one, hero, is a more generic term; like our "God," it is applied to any divine being. These deities, it will be noticed, are all masculine; but it is not to be supposed that the Semites had no goddesses.

And yet he could not have told whether the element was contained in that beauty, or in his thought of Olivia. At last they emerged upon a narrow, grassy terrace where white steps mounted to a wide parapet. Jarvo ran up the steps and turned: "Behold Med, adôn," he said modestly, as if he had at that moment stirred it up in a sauce-pan and baked it before their astonished eyes.

As he turned, he lifted one cup to his lips and Rollo gravely presented the other to Jarvo. But with a bound that all but upset the velvet valet, the little man cleared the space between him and Amory and struck the cup from Amory's hand. "Adôn!" he cried terribly, "adôn! Do not drink do not drink!" The precious liquid splashed to the floor with the falling cup and ran red about the tiles.

"The adôn will wait until sunrise to go ashore?" asked Jarvo. "Sunrise!" cried St. George. "Heaven on earth, no. We'll go now." There was no need to ask the others. Whatever might be toward, they were eager to be about, though Rollo ventured to St. George a deprecatory: "You know, sir, one can't be too careful, sir." "Will you prefer to stay aboard?" St. George put it quietly.

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