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And Herr Tiefel, carried away by the recollection, rose to his feet. The others caught fire, and stood up with their mugs high in the air, shouting: "Lebe wohl, Carl! Lebe wohl! Salamander, salamander, salamander! Ein ist ein, zwei ist zwei, drei ist drei! Lebe wohl!" And so they toasted every man present, even Stephen himself, whom they complimented on his speech.

Far and near floated through the clear night air the familiar melody that warned every soldier not on duty to go to bed. Next to the 200th Ind. lay a regiment of wild Michigan veterans, who struck up, following the strains of the bugles: Say, oh Dutch'y, will ye fight mit Si-gel? Zwei glass o' la-ger, Yaw! Yaw! Yaw!!! Will yet fight to help de bul-ly ea-gle?

Do you know, there was once a poor devil of a musician who had set my Zwei Grenadiere, and to whom I gave no end of help and advice, when he wanted to make an opera on the legend of the Flying Dutchman, which I had treated in one of my books. Now he curses me and all the Jews together, and his name is Richard Wagner." Mathilde smiled on vaguely. "You would eat those cutlets," she said reprovingly.

In other words, pity and fear are bad, and it is a good thing to get rid of them in a harmless way, as it is better to be vaccinated than to have small pox. <1> Zwei adhandlungen uber d. Aristotelische Theories d. Drama, 1880. This becomes intelligible from the point of view of Aristotle's definition of pleasure as an ecstatic condition of the soul.

Billows of white stuff lay between the chairs on the cabin floor; I caught the words "Zwei und dreissig Pfund" repeated several times, and presently came the beer, which seemed delicious to my throat, parched with running and the emotions of the chase. I didn't get away till well past midnight, long after the women had retired.

Moreover, nearly all had been taught to read and write in Eskimo, though there is no literature in that language to read, except such books as have been translated by the Moravian Brethren. At that time a strict policy of teaching no English had been adopted. Words lacking in the language, like "God," "love," etc., were substituted by German words. Nearly every Eskimo counted "ein, zwei, drei."

Ein, zwei, drei, ruckwaerts!" snarled the drill- sergeant, and the dark-faced Hungarian soldiers who may have soon afterward prodded their Danish fellow-beings all the more effectively for that day's training stooped, writhed, and leaped obedient.

There must have been barracks near; for on the sward, under the walls, muskets were stacked, and Austrian soldiers were practicing the bayonet-exercise with long poles padded at the point. "Ein, zwei, drei, vorwaerts!

"Bitte um zwei Münchener!" "Sogleich, meine Herren." "Ein Chartreuse und ein Pilsener!" "Jawohl! Sofort!" And the waitresses sped, vying with one another, coquetting with their patrons, smiling gayly with sharp retorts; their eyes bright, their trays laden with foaming beer mugs. In one of the alcoves, far back in the shadow, sat two gentlemen.

"Herr von Beerstein" now places his heart and purse in the keeping of his gentle companion, who calls directly for "zwei beers."