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At the present moment, out in the garden on the stone seat set in the embrasure of the high yew-hedge, they were oblivious of everything in the world except each other and the absorbing discovery of love.

Marian and Lord Humphrey Degge were mounting from the scrap of forest that juts from Pevis Hill, like a spur from a man's heel, between Agard Court and Halvergate. Their progress was not conspicuous for celerity. Now they had attained to the tiny, elm-shadowed plateau beyond the yew-hedge, and there Marian paused. Two daffodils had fallen from the great green-and-yellow cluster in her left hand.

"We are all easily beguiled," Sister Mary John answered somewhat sharply. "Now we must try to get on with our digging. You can help me a little with it, can't you?" And looking up and down a plot about ten yards long and twenty feet wide, protected by a yew-hedge, she said, "This is the rhubarb-bed.

Miss Frederica, with a guilty remembrance of Lady Isabel's enquiries, had established her weeding apparatus at a bed near the yew-hedge. She heard the voices raised in discussion, and, catching words here and there, felt that if these were the topics that occupied her charges, Isabel need not have inflicted upon her the abominable nuisance of poking in her nose where it was not wanted.

All white and green and blue the vista was, and of a monastic tranquillity, save for the plashing of a fountain behind the yew-hedge and the grumblings of an occasional bee that lurched complainingly on some by-errand of the hive. Presently his Grace of Ormskirk replaced the papers in the despatch-box, and, leaning forward, sighed.

"Here is the place. Thyrsis is just ending his 'broken lay. 'Lest that the stealing night his later song might stay " "Stop a minute," interrupted John. "Apropos of 'stealing night, the sun is already down below the yew-hedge. Are you cold?" "Not a bit of it." "Then we'll begin: 'Thrice, oh, thrice happy, shepherd's life and state: When courts are happiness, unhappy pawns!

"What were you about? Did you want to get through?" "I wanted just to see if it were possible." I shook my head. "What would you do, John, if you were shut up here, and had to get over the yew-hedge? You could not climb it?" "I know that, and, therefore, should not waste time in trying." "Would you give up, then?" He smiled there was no "giving up" in that smile of his.

It was with curiously mingled feelings that she gazed from her window on the chimneys of Thornwick. How much had come to her since first, in the summer-seat at the end of the yew-hedge, Mr. Wardour opened to her the door of literature! It was now autumn, and the woods, to get young again, were dying their yearly death. For the moment she felt as if she, too, had begun to grow old.

Very good men, I dare say, but rather idle." "Oh, indeed. Do you think they planted that yew hedge?" And he went to examine it. Now, far and near, our yew-hedge was noted. There was not its like in the whole country. It was about fifteen feet high, and as many thick.

I think I have been growing rather fast. Your loving niece, MABEL." "P.S. Lots, please, because some of us are very hungry." It was found difficult, but possible, for Mabel to creep along the tunnel in the yew-hedge.