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When he entered his club, the traces of his agitation were so visible upon his face, that some of the card-players stopped their game to inquire if Chambertin, the favorite for the Chantilly cup, had broken down. "No, no," replied he, as he hurriedly made his way to the writing-room, "Chambertin is as sound as a bell." "What the deuce has happened to De Breulh?" asked one of the members.

He has taken for his writing-room the former parlor looking into the garden. He loves to work there, and he and his wife evidently spend a good deal of time at the old place. There is a legend that Washington spent three nights there, and that Dr. Bradshaw stepped from the door to make a prayer upon the departure of the troops from that point.

She went away, leaving him in a thoughtful mood, though his heart beat. Lucy was clever and would not have given him such a hint unless she thought it was justified. Still, she might be mistaken and he feared to risk too much; then there were other difficulties he was not rich. He went to the writing-room, knitting his brows, and stopped abruptly when he found Alice there alone.

The old staircase, of wood with heavy balusters, is covered all over with a green carpet. On the floor above are two suites of rooms separated by the staircase. Mademoiselle des Touches has taken for herself the one that looks toward the sea and the marshes, and arranged it with a small salon, a large chamber, and two cabinets, one for a dressing-room, the other for a study and writing-room.

"Well, I have, Grandpapa," said Percy, now driven into a corner, and looking up at last. "Best have it out then," said Grandpapa firmly, taking one of Percy's hands, and they went on to the writing-room. "There, now, here is just the place for a boy to get things that are unpleasant off his mind, I take it," he said, closing the door on them both.

With these companions I play the fool all day at cards or backgammon: a thousand squabbles, a thousand insults and abusive dialogues take place, while we haggle over a farthing, and shout loud enough to be heard from San Casciano. But when evening falls I go home and enter my writing-room.

These salons are charming rooms, with beautiful panelings and over-doors, and great arches framed in delicate carvings. First comes the writing-room, then the library, then the large and small salons. The rooms opening on the back of the house have long French windows that open directly upon the terrace, where we have most of our meals.

Come into my little writing-room. And she led him into a tiny panelled room at the far end of the drawing-room and shut off from it by a heavy curtain, which she now left half-drawn. 'The latest? said Fred Wharncliffe to Lady Aubrey, raising his eyebrows with the slightest motion of the head toward the writing-room. 'I suppose so, she said indifferently; 'She is East-Ending, for a change.

"I do not know," answered the clerk. "He was carried to his room in a faint. He was very white." "I will wait in the writing-room. When the surgeon comes down I wish to see him. At once do you understand?" "Yes, mademoiselle." Marie suspected what had happened. Monsieur Covington, too, had presented the driver with a louis d'or, and miracles do not occur twice in one day.

One of them, Harry Hansen, of the Chicago Daily News, tells the following story, which I give in his words: "While we were writing," says Hansen, "Richard Harding Davis walked into the writing-room of the Palace Hotel with a bunch of manuscript in his hand. With an amused expression he surveyed the three correspondents filling white paper.