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Captain Boynton looked at Mrs. Weston and raised one eyebrow; she nodded comprehendingly. Later in the evening, when he dropped into a steamer-chair beside her, he asked if she had seen Bobby. "Not since dinner. All the young people have been asking for her. Did you look in the writing-room ?" "I've looked everywhere except in the coal-bunkers," said the captain, gruffly.

I recalled the glimpse I had had of the writing-room in the early evening, and imagined it as it was with Miss Challoner's body removed and the incongruous flitting of strange and busy figures across its fatal floors, measuring distances and peering into corners, while hundreds slept above and about them in undisturbed repose. Then I thought of him, the suspected and possibly guilty one.

Pearlie was pinning on her hat, and she spoke succinctly, her hatpins between her teeth: "You've been here two days now, and I notice you dictate all your letters except the longest one, and you write that one off in a corner of the writing-room all by yourself, with your cigar just glowing like a live coal, and you squint up through the smoke, and grin to yourself."

"Me, I'm just happy because I'm not a Chink," explained his friend, and passed to the hotel writing-room. He sat down, equipped himself with stationery, and selected a new point for a pen. Half a dozen times he made a start and as often threw a crumpled sheet into the waste-paper basket. It took him nearly an hour to compose an epistle that suited him.

"You have the notes with you?" "Yes." "The visitor's name was Paddington?" "Yes, sir." Blaine considered for a moment; then, his decision made, he spoke rapidly in a clear undertone. "You know the department store of Mead & Rathbun? Meet me there in the ladies' writing-room in half an hour. Where are you now?" "In a booth in the drug-store just around the corner from the building where Mr.

By asking questions, he knew how they rose at dawn, and trooped into the dim abbey church to early mass, and went to their daily work, the lay-brethren and novices in the field, the learned fathers in the library and the writing-room. He could follow their daily round of prayer and work, and his heart was with them in both.

Would Charmian bring back with her something of the wonder of the East? Mrs. Mansfield felt for a moment as if she were going to welcome a stranger in her child. The feeling returned to her on the Thursday afternoon, when she was waiting for Charmian's arrival in her writing-room. Charmian was due at Charing Cross at three-twenty-five.

She finished her dinner a good dinner as became a woman of means and went into the little writing-room off the parlor with the intention of jogging Mary's memory regarding the baby's diet. There was but one person in the room, a young woman with fair hair busily engaged in writing. Persis sat down at the next desk.

She was seated at a table in the writing-room, and was in the act of sealing a letter. She looked up as I entered, and, after a second's hesitation, bowed coldly. I summoned up all my pluck, however, and approached her. "Good evening, Miss Van Hoyt!" I said. "Good evening, Mr. Courage!" she answered, proceeding to stamp her envelope. "Have you been to the theatre?" I asked.

"The little writing-room," reasoned Kennedy as we left the poor little hair-dresser quite exhausted by her narrative, "was next to the sanctum of Millefleur, where they found that bottle of ether phosphore and the oil of turpentine. Some one who knew of that note or perhaps wrote it must have reasoned that an answer would be written immediately.