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Updated: August 14, 2024

"Sally will be a most invaluable witness against those felons Judge Merlin, if she can be found and taken to England," whispered Ishmael. The old man nodded assent. And Katie continued: "Well, childun, afore I heerd Sally's 'scription o' how dey sarved her, I could a sword as we was all dead, and on our woyage cross de riber of Jordan.

But it's my belief they'll let it off on the quiet; there ain't a bit of evidence to show the 'oss was doctored, and the way he went stood quite as well for having been knocked off his feed and off his legs by the woyage and sich like. And now you go and put that swell to the grindstone for Act 2 of the comedy; will yer?"

And so, you see, repeated the Captain, thoughtfully, 'the pretty creetur goes away upon the roaring main with Wal'r, on a woyage to China. Mr Toots and Captain Cuttle heaved a sigh in concert. 'What then? said the Captain. 'She loves him true. He loves her true. Them as should have loved and tended of her, treated of her like the beasts as perish.

"A miss is as good as a mile," replied the Yorkshireman; "but pray what have you got in the hamper?" "In the 'amper! Why, wittles to be sure. You seem to forget we are going a woyage, and 'ow keen the sea hair is.

"Well, he has three ribs broken, that is all." "Eh! he said he had a tumble agin the anchor in the breeze." "Yes, and I cannot tell how his lung has escaped." When Lewis returned he strapped the sufferer up like an artist, and then said "Now, skipper, you must run home as soon as the trawl is up." "Home! An' lose my woyage maybe?" "Can't help that. You have no place for him here.

Well, then, to-morrow at two we'll start for Margate the most delightful place in all the world, where we will have a rare jollification, and can stay just as long as the money holds out. So now good-bye I'm off home again to see about wittles for the woyage."

"The woyage is pervided for, missus," was the short and satisfactory response. "Brother Jarrum took care of that when he sent us." Her heart went into a glow at the name. And them envious disbelievers in Deerham had cast all sorts of disparaging accusations to the brother, openly expressing their opinion that he had gone off purposely without her, and that she'd never hear of him again!

'And then, said the Captain, in his hoarse whisper, and tapping Mr Toots on the chest with the back of his hand, and falling from him with a look of infinite admiration, 'what follers? That there pretty creetur, as delicately brought up as a foreign bird, goes away upon the roaring main with Wal'r on a woyage to China! 'Lord, Captain Gills! said Mr Toots. 'Ay! nodded the Captain.

Jorrocks, putting his hand to the bottom of a neat little green-and-white willow woman's basket, apparently for the purpose of ascertaining its weight. "Only my clothes, and a little prowision for the woyage. A baked pigeon, some cold maccaroni, and a few pectoral lozenges.

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